Dear Editor,
Notice was served by the Guyana Wildlife Commission that the hunting season for wild birds has been closed effective January 1, 2019; ironically, at the same time was announcing the opening of the electoral silly season with the melodramatic story of Charrandas Persaud’s attempts to procure undiluted cassareep. Editor, if the opening salvoes are anything to go by, we are in for a bumpy ride in a jet plane filled with gold bars and sacks of cash (another patently false and ridiculous story). My very real fear is that one of these silly season stories will set off a wildfire that is not as easily extinguishable.
Editor, how can we expect a population divided by 32.5 to recognise truth in a sky full of wild noises? What do we do when, not if, the messages are crafted to incite emotional and violent responses? The desperation of the Granger Administration to cling onto power at the expense of the Constitution is painful to watch, they continue to craft their own noose and ignore the calls to put down the rope, the longer they grasp at fanciful theories of plus ones and Canadian citizenships, the tighter it will gnaw at their necks and the more desperate they will become. The Administration cannot label all who are advising them to respect the Constitution as ‘opposition elements’, Lincoln Lewis, Christopher Ram, Guyana Bar Association, David Hinds, Ralph Ramkarran and others are among the fairest of civil society commentators, please note that I have not mentioned anyone aligned with the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on that list, in fact this list can be taken as a Who’s Who of persons who also held the feet of successive PPP administrations to the fire.
Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese military strategist advises “never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”; however, Martin Carter, our own Guyanese treasure said of politics “all are involved! all are consumed!” and I side with our own in recognising that we are not in a war, we are at the end of the day, all citizens of Guyana and the consequences of reckless actions at the top are felt keenly by us at the bottom. Hence, I raise my voice for the people and once again urge President Granger to retake the reins and stop the runaway carriage. Serve notice that the silly season is also closed.
***You Are Involved***
This I have learnt:
today a speck
tomorrow a hero
hero or monster
you are consumed!
Like a jig
shakes the loom.
Like a web
is spun the pattern
all are involved!
all are consumed!
— Martin Carter,
from Poems of Resistance from British Guiana
Robin Singh