President Granger’s Government is undermining local democracy

Dear Editor,
President David Granger continues to ignore the real issues affecting local democracy. His last visit to Region Six was another indication that he is focusing on one section of the society, and his frequent visit to his traditional support base in Region Six is very much a cause for concern.
What is even more hypocritical is when he said “I believe in Regionalism, regardless of political parties, regardless of ethnicity”. He also said he would like to see participation and cooperation in building a stronger, safer and a more secure region.
Granger and his government are the main reason why local democracy is being eroded in the country. Granger failed to address the issue that arose at the Corriverton municipality, where one of his ministers of Government confessed that she was the reason why a national event was stopped in Corriverton. This self-professed democratic Granger should discipline this individual to uphold local democracy.
Why is nothing being done by Granger to stop the lawlessness that’s happening in Region 5? A Government-appointed Regional Executive Officer in Region 5 and councillors of the APNU/AFC coalition Government are instrumental in hindering development.
After over two years of local government elections, many NDC and municipal elections are not completed as yet because of the negligence of this Granger Government.
Granger and Bulkhan chose their own commissioner on the Local Government Commission without the approval of the RDCs and NDCs, or consultation.
They imposed flags in the regions without RDC approval. The minister’s appointment of a mayor when municipality elections resulted in a tie cannot be forgotten.
The Regions are being trampled upon by Central Government, and projects are being executed without the knowledge and approval of the RDCs.
Motions that are being approved by the Regional Democratic Council are not being respected and implemented by the minister and Granger cabinet.
These are just some of the few issues to let you know that the President is not serious in upholding local democracy. The President comes to Berbice to say that we should have Regional Conference to address impediments to development is nothing but a farce. The real impediment that needs to be addressed is the APNU/AFC coalition Government.

Zamal Hussain