Home Letters President Irfaan Ali is making giant inroads in all communities
Dear Editor,
Opposition Leader Mr. Aubrey Norton is hopping mad that President Irfaan Ali is making giant inroads in communities all across Guyana with his ‘One Guyana’ Policy.
By this noble initiative, the President and team go out to the people, hearing their concerns and in many instances making on-the-spot decisions, all for the betterment of society. This is not going down well with the Opposition, as is obvious by the negative way they have reacted.
Instead of giving the Government robust support on each developmental issue, Norton is on the sidelines, coughing up all the negatives he can find. From the shooting down of every project designed to improve the lives of the Guyanese people to the age-old racist rhetoric that the PPP/C Party is a racist organisation that is out to impoverish Black people, in every instance, he is making some derogatory statement. These statements are so asinine, to say the least, that even if one were blind, one could clearly see it.
But the Opposition Leader persists! With all the distressing signals clearly etched on his face, he belts out his venom. The racist mantra has outlived its useful purpose, as known supporters of his party are coming out to thrash him, or are simply walking away from that party.
Norton’s antics have become so toxic that, at this stage, he has alienated himself from hardcore supporters of his party. You see the visible signs of a leader who cannot command an audience, even in known strongholds of the PNC.
This is a pathetic and hopeless position for one to find oneself. And the reasons are pretty clear: the people are fed up with the daily doses of lies coming from him. People want to hear and see development trends; the people do not want empty rhetoric and riled-up campaign speeches with nothing to go with them. Yes, the people want progressive and developmental answers to their problems, something that is coming from Dr. Alli, and not from Norton. This hostile, argumentative politics coming from Norton is doing neither himself nor the party any good.
Aubrey Norton is doing a good job as the Opposition Leader (note my sarcasm). Norton is doing a very good job as Opposition Leader, which means that he will stay in the Opposition. So, keep doing what you are doing, sir, and you will ensure a landslide victory for the PPP/C.
Neil Adams