Over the past few months, we have been discussing the care of the mother dog/cat during the different phases of pregnancy right up until the point of delivery of the pups/kittens. We also deliberated on matters pertaining to the immediate post-partum (after delivery) period, when certain ailments could occur, not lastly during the nursing of the newborns.
We further dealt with the care of the newborn puppies/kittens. Well, one colleague pointed out that I did not zero in on the “prevention of pregnancy” topic. Mea Culpa. I will now commence with this important matter of “Birth Control.”
The technical term for spaying is Ovariohysterectomy. If that long word were to be broken up and translated, it would mean “surgically removing the ovaries and the womb”. Obviously, it is the most effective method of ensuring that the female dog does not get pregnant, simply because the uterus (womb) has been surgically removed. In fact, the female pet will not even come into heat since the ovaries would also have been taken out during the surgery. The Fallopian Tubes (oviducts) are also excised during the spay.
Some persons relate that female pet becomes fat after being spayed. Many caregivers forget or are not aware of the fact that a grown dog (by proportion to weight) needs less food than a puppy. The dog/cat often is spayed when she has reached the age of puberty/maturity (6)-7-(8) months). If she gets too much to eat and puts on weight, the tendency is to make an association between the surgery and the weight gain. The adult spayed animal should be provided with a maintenance diet which would be of a lower carbohydrate (rice and starchy foods) to protein (meat and fish) ratio and with adequate levels of fibre (vegetables). Remember, also, that daily exercise, via walks or running around in the year, is an essential element of your animal’s wellbeing.
Another misconception is that a bitch needs to have a litter to be “fulfilled.” Dogs and cats are people oriented. They seek human companionship and look to their owners for personal fulfillment. On the whole, we pet owners should desist from giving our pets human attributes – like the need to be “fulfilled,” the way humans need to have and aspire towards some sort of defined emotional duty. Of course, this is not to say that dogs/ cats do not harbour feelings of jealousy, fear, anger, remorse, guilt, etc., – all human traits. But “Fulfillment” – NO.
There are certain health benefits to ovariohysterectomy. One does not have to worry about, for example, pyometra, the pus in the womb ailment. Also, a spayed bitch is less likely to get breast cancer. Finally, there is no messy heat (with all the concomitant headaches, not lastly those associated with male suitors) to go through twice a year.
The best time to spay most females is after they are seven months of age, and just before they go into their first heat. This recommendation is, at best, a guideline. We have seen females in heat at 5 ½ – 6 months of age; or they might come into their first heat when they are 10-11 months old. At this time, the operation is easy to perform and there is less chance of complication. The surgery should never be conducted if the bitch is in heat or if the puppy/kitten is less than 6 months of age.
After you have made the arrangements with your veterinarian to have your female spayed, be sure to withhold food and water from her on the evening prior to surgery. This operation is done under general anesthesia. A full stomach could result in vomiting and aspiration of food particles into the lungs during the induction of anesthesia. Your veterinarian will provide other special instructions or precautions to be taken before and after the operation.
Male castration
Well, since we are discussing prevention of pregnancy, one cannot help but introduce the other obvious option and that is removing the testicles of the males, especially those with whom the females can come into contact (e.g., kennel mate)
Castration is an operation in which both testicles are surgically removed. When the male is castrated after sexual maturity, his sex drive may continue for a while after the surgery, even though he is unable to get a bitch pregnant. When a dog is castrated before puberty, his sexual urges do not develop. However, castration before puberty is not recommended. It is likely to have an adverse effect on the development of bone and body structure, and secondary sex traits of the male dog. I shall deal with these eventualities during another discussion.
Castration sometimes is advised to tone down an overly boisterous or aggressive male, or one who continuously urinates in the house or is otherwise obtrusive and unmanageable. Unfortunately, overindulgent owners (not the male hormones) are often at fault. The dog must be shown his place in the household hierarchy. It is a good idea to discuss with your veterinarian the possibility of obedience training or other steps which could be taken to modify unruly behaviour before deciding upon castration.
Castration may be also indicated for medical reasons. Male sterilisation is recommended in some cases of testicular ailments, such as chronic prostatitis, and perianal adenomas.
Please implement disease preventative measures (vaccinations, routine dewormings, monthly anti-Heartworm medication, etc.) and adopt-a-pet from the GSPCA’s Animal Clinic and Shelter at Robb Street and Orange Walk, if you have the wherewithal to care well for the animals. Do not stray your unwanted pets, take them to the GSPCA’s Clinic and Shelter instead. If you do not wish your pet to have puppies or kittens, you may exploit the GSPCA’s free spay and neutering programme. If you see anyone being cruel to an animal, or if you need any technical information, please get in touch with the Clinic and Shelter by calling 226-4237.