Dear Editor,
On behalf of most Guyanese (and I hold no qualms with those who are not in agreement), more so the residents of Region Three — especially the Demerarians, in particular the people from West Coast and West Bank — we humbly wish to convey our profound and heartfelt congratulations to the People’s Progressive Party Civic and members on winning a sound and decisive victory at the last General and Regional Elections held on March 2nd, 2020, but only now having the confirmation of a declaration.
Based on the results, it is profoundly and transparently accepted that the results indicate more than 50% of the voting population showed their preference for the PPP/C to lead and govern this nation for at least the next five years. At the time of writing, since the original counting of the votes commenced, the Mingo fiasco over fictitious numbers and imbroglio, the uncomfortable legal court proceedings, the CARICOM re-entry, the Carter Center refusal, Lowenfield’s 156 days’ recount process submission, the delaying tactics and antics, the frivolous interruptions, the thousands of unsubstantiated and ridiculous claims, the rebuttal from accusers, the revelation of facts over fiction, the actual recounting result, the embarrassing confessions from supporters of the Coalition Party, thousands of honest and sober-minded Guyanese have already shown their dislike for the former governing Party, and have indicated their full support for the PPPC by way of writing to the newspapers, calling in to radio programmes, or verbally expressing their choice to fellow Guyanese in the streets, at work, or at home.
This additional commitment reflects a majority and overwhelming support that extends far beyond the 50% plus and growing.
This increase in support may be due to several realistic factors; a few being: the unavailability of the use of the state machinery for the Coalition Party to carry out their propaganda campaign; their inability to spread false rumours and lies; the nation witnessing their outrageous deceits; the discovery of their fraudulent methods; daily people are realizing that they were taken for a ride; the confessions from their own top party members; the growing distrust from global embarrassment; the diplomatic community’s refusal to recognise any illegal Government not democratically elected; the EU and Carter Center support for free and fair election; prominent dignitaries from the Caribbean, the Commonwealth, US, Canada and Europe condemning election fraud; the OAS report; and the CARICOM report, which was the final nail in the coffin for the Coalition Party.
It is without hesitation or reservation that we, the people of Leonora, extend our warmest and sincerest best wishes to Dr Irfaan Ali, the newly elected President of Guyana, and to Brigadier (retd) Mark Phillips, the newly appointed Prime Minister. We are so proud of the fact that these two distinguished gentlemen, backed by a supportive cast led by the prolific Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and the astute Mr Anil Nandlall, will lead this nation on to a road of recovery despite being saddled with the burning issues of a depleted economy, thanks to the bankruptcy gifted by the APNU/AFC Government, which has enjoyed squandering the country’s wealth at the expense of the people, and being beneficial only to the selected rogues and cabals who truly enjoyed the good life.
With youth and experience, intelligence and determination from the PPP/C, Guyana will once again overcome its pressing hurdles to establish stability and provide the happiness that the people finally deserve.
These two individuals should not fail us, but instead blaze a trail for development and construction, and forge a relationship that will bridge a gap between poverty and prosperity through unity, and not diversity.
May the Almighty look over the entire Guyana as we pray on our knees not to squeeze anyone, but for the good welfare of all; and that this nation will not be hurled to the ground and their lives and rights trampled on as they had previously experienced.
We fervently hope that this new administration will restore the true meaning of emancipation and not allow only one secular group to enjoy the privilege of courting freedom.
To our dear President: Sir, you have done great justice to the people of Leonora, coming a long way from the sacrifice of your grandmother and the other glowing contributions from the many stalwarts from this village, who have unreservedly sacrificed their lives for this Party and the people of this nation. Let us not forget the great Alice, a martyr who gave her live for the freedom of this country. You have a proven track record for success from your former ministerial positions, and we have no doubt that you will continue to shine again and better that record. We stand proud as “Leonorians” to acknowledge you as the first President Leonora has produced and the second from West Coast Demerara, the late Mr. Arthur Chung being the first.
To our friend Mr. Prime Minister, we say: Sir, you have also established yourself quite distinguishably as a military officer, and have won the admiration of this nation during your tenure. Leonora is proud to be associated with your selection, and know that you will perform to the best of your capacity and be a true statesman to represent the interest of all the people of Guyana.
Jai Lall