Prioritise safety – Traffic Chief to motorists

In a bid to bolster road safety amidst the high number of upcoming national events, the Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh, has issued a stern call to motorists to fortify themselves as the “hardest of targets” against criminal activities and accidents.
Emphasising the critical role of adhering to traffic regulations as a means to achieve this goal, Singh is urging drivers to embrace the five Cs – caution, courtesy, consideration, cooperation, and common sense.
“Observing traffic rules: ensure that you take time to drive at permissible speeds that are within the limitation that was established along the specific roadway or route of travel,” Singh has stressed.
Focusing on pedestrian safety, Singh has underscored the vulnerability of this category of road users, and has implored heightened vigilance from both drivers and walkers alike.
“Be considerate of other road users, and be considerate for your own safety, (thereby) ensuring a safe return home to your loved ones,” the Traffic Chief has urged as he emphasised the collective responsibility of everyone to foster a safer road environment.
Further, Singh has highlighted the significance of the upcoming week and a half; marked by pivotal national gatherings, including the Oil and Gas Conference, the Caricom Heads of Government Meeting, and celebrations for Guyana’s Republic Day anniversary. He is urging individuals to exercise prudence and mindfulness in their activities amidst these events, and has said that while the Police would facilitate the movements of road users, strict enforcement measures would be in place to ensure full compliance with laws and instructions.
Thus, he is emphasizing the importance of the public cooperating with law enforcement authorities during this period of heightened activity. “We want to urge you to be very considerate of your activities…And we would like to let you know that the Police will support your activities, but will ensure, in a very strict manner…”, he said.
As Guyana prepares to host these significant events, Singh’s impassioned plea serves as a timely reminder for all road users to prioritize safety and responsibility, so that they may ultimately ensure a secure and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. (G9)