Privacy violations are cause for concern

Dear Editor,
For starters, Ganesh Mahipaul’s press conference would go down as the best comic relief for 2020. He beat out Craig. (And to think this guy’s job is that of a PR Officer for a Region!). But others in contention for the prize were Williams, Bond, Norton, Hughes, Volda, Amna, Forde, Alexander, Patterson, etc.
The press slaughtered Mahipaul in the “abattoir” tent outside the Conference Center. Give us one shred of evidence of your many allegations that a dead person voted, or a person who was abroad voted, the media begged, as they peppered him with questions. Mahipaul could not. He said it’s hearsay, and they are doing “field work.” Should they not have done their field work in the claims and objections period before the list was finalised? The recount process should not allow the PNC to make unsubstantiated objections in the ballot box report. That’s a waste of time. What would happen if the PPP had made similar tit-for-tat fake obstructionist objections? Does the PNC think it sounds cute or sensible to give a standard answer, “evidence will be produced at the proper time”? That’s such a wicked delaying tactic by the PNC in prolonging the national agony.
So the PNC is making an abundance of obstructionist objections that will be tossed out readily, but what is the Chair and GECOM doing about all the evidence (not allegations) produced so far on Mingo’s fraudulent numbers? Why has GECOM not asked the Police Commissioner to investigate and jail Apostle Mingo for electoral fraud? What are they waiting for? Why no private criminal legal action by a concerned civil society lawyer in the national interest? Should they also not investigate what the Chief and Deputy Chief have done to investigate Mingo’s fraud, and the flash drive guy’s role in the fraud? Instead, the flash drive guy gets an “employee of the year” promotion? Talk to us, GECOM. Explain yourself. Where is the Police Report on the Police interrogating the flash drive guy? You, media people, need to pursue that report.
Can the media ask Alexander why a comparison of the SOPs and SORs is not important? Isn’t that the first thing you would want to do when you do the recount? The issue is the PNC/GECOM versus the rest of the world saying Mingo rigged the Region 4 numbers. The answer is in the comparison. Why a smart man like Alexander can’t see that? Is he not part of Operation “Eagle Eyes?” Or is he just a kiskadee?
Now the PNC says we cannot have livestreaming of the count, a public process with the most widespread national interest, allegedly to protect the “confidentiality” of workers. So how come the same standard is not applied to the voters whose identities are being broadcasted in the media. How would you feel if strangers are flashing a copy of your family member’s death certificate in public? Is that a breach of confidentiality? Is it okay for Felix’s Ministry to provide people’s personal data to facilitate the PNC’s fishing expeditions?
Even Mr. Granger is providing comic relief. He knows from the SOPs that the PNC lost. Why is he lying to his followers that they won, but barely? Why don’t he just come out and say he thought they won, but then he found out Mingo rigged. That way, Mingo gets thrown under the bus for all the electoral sins, and Granger regains some credibility as a church man who refused to be sworn in on the basis of fraudulent elections that lacked credibility in the count.
I am glad to see Granger worried about “sanctions” coming his way if they rig. That’s a good sign.
Lastly, why is the US Embassy intervening in our sovereignty again by giving us G$3 million worth of supplies to the CDC yesterday, on top of the almost US$500,000 given last week for fighting COVID-19? They should stop this colonial nonsense. The PNC should reject such intervention in our internal affairs and return the money pronto. Never mind Norway is not releasing our low carbon strategy funds (won during the PPP era); we cannot access our US$55M in Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund (NRF) account being held with the New York Federal Reserve Bank, because we don’t have a new Parliament in place; the World Bank has not yet acted on our request for US$5 million; and the CDB has not given us any money. (Thank you, Ambassador Lynch! You must be following that poem, “Do Good Anyway”).
If Granger does not like sanctions, which he advocated for against the Ramotar government in 2014, he must let in the Carter Center and other observers right away. He should not listen to PNC strongman Hamilton Green, who was upset that Hoyte allowed free and fair elections in 1992.

Jerry Singh