Probe launched into unprofessional conduct of firemen during Bush Lot blaze

…Fire Service response must drastically improve – AG

The Guyana Fire Service has launched a probe into the behaviour of fire officers at the scene of a fire at Bushlot on the West Coast of Berbice on Monday, which resulted in massive destruction to businesses and residential dwellings as well as the loss of life.
Over the years, there have been much criticism about the conduct of firefighters and the manner in which they respond to disasters – from the length of time it takes them to arrive to their firefighting tactics and the inadequate supply of water in their engines.

Fire Chief Gregory Wickham

It was no different at Monday’s fire at Bushlot on the West Coast of Berbice.
Many voiced their concerns over what they witnessed.
Supervisor of NALICO/NAFICO Bushlot Branch, one of the businesses housed in one of the buildings destroyed by the fire, Charles Singh said when the Fire Service arrived on the scene, it appeared as if they arrived without water in the tank.
“They went looking for water and it took a little time about thirty-five or forty minutes and then they start to what they had to do,” he said while describing his experience at the fire scene.
Many others have been critical of the way firefighters operated and also the equipment they walked with to fight the fire.
Jewellery store owner Ramesh Khemraj, who operated three different businesses in one of the buildings that was destroyed in Monday’s fire said he was expecting the professional firefighters to be able to control the blaze before it had spread to a second building.
“The water when they spray the water it is just like from here to just there [a few feet away] and right through on the road from the street to reach here, the hose is like a sprinkler; Minister Benn came himself and see it,” he told this publication on Tuesday at the fire scene.
Meanwhile, Javid Saywack who was assisted by public-spirited citizens in dousing the fire as it moved next to his house ensuring that the building received no damages as a result of the raging fire, explained that he was not at home when the fire started but was told that the fire service arrived promptly.
“However, their equipment was terrible. Had their equipment been working properly I think that a majority of what was lost could have been saved. The hose had holes… With the help of residents and people passing by, everybody that was on the road, they all chipped in and gave a helping hand they managed to save here along with the fire service we managed to save here and extinguish the fire just next to us.”

Probe launched
Fire Chief Gregory Wickham has since admitted that some firemen may have acted in an unprofessional manner and has since ordered an investigation.
In a release, he said ranks acted in an unprofessional manner during a major firefighting operation at Bushlot, West Coast Berbice on Monday, noting that an investigation into the matter has been launched.
When completed if defaulters are found they will be sanctioned accordingly.
The statement said that the Guyana Fire Service is committed to protecting property and lives from fire and offering a service with confidence to all who require it.
“We will continue to ensure our ranks reflect this commitment and uphold the highest standards of professionalism,” Wickham said in his statement.
Monday’s fire resulted in some eight business operations and two residential dwellings being destroyed.
It also resulted in the death of a resident, Carl Persaud.
Wickham warned that any defaulters will be sanctioned accordingly.

Drastically improve
His statement came hours after Attorney General Anil Nandlall condemned the fire service’s response.
He said the fire service responses must improve drastically.
During his programme “Issues in the News” on Tuesday evening, the Attorney General spoke about the massive fire at Bushlot, that destroyed several businesses, residential dwellings and resulted in the death of one person.
“The response from the Fire Service leaves a lot to be desired,” he said, noting that “we cannot keep making the same mistakes. Fire engines cannot keep turning up the fires without water. This is unacceptable,” the AG said.
According to Nandlall, “the response of our Fire Service must be drastically improved. The people of our country deserve better.”
Monday’s fire started at around 17:45hrs and persisted for several hours. According to one resident, it was extinguished at about 2:30h the following morning.
Police reported that it was over at 11:30h
Response first came from the Onverwagt Fire Station. That team of firefighters was subsequently joined by others from the Mahaica Fire Station, New Amsterdam Fire Station, and the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) fire department.
The Fire Service was previously called out for its poor response by President Irfaan Ali – the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces – after it was unable to save the Brickdam Police Station from a fire, even though their headquarters was located a stone’s throw away.
In the wake of what unfounded on Monday, the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs has called for a drastic improvement in the level of response being provided by the Guyana Fire Service. (G4)