It is very clear that the Government is in overdrive mode in its campaign to engage residents through outreaches in various parts of the country. Just a few days ago, some nine Ministers were in hinterland areas in what was a massive fan-out there. Also, others were similarly occupied in some coastal areas. During those engagements, the pattern in messaging is the same; basically, we care; we are promising and don’t listen to the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).
The meetings must have come as a surprise to the residents, many of whom have not seen Government officials probably since the conclusion of the 2015 election. At that time, the message would have also been the same, underscoring that nothing has really changed. Much has been said about lofty and subsequently unfulfilled promises made just to hoodwink for votes. Some are of the belief that the Government may have had no real intention of fulfilling them, gauging from its actions since 2015.
Over time and having come to the stark reality, residents probably chalked it up to the process of deceptive electioneering. This seemingly new wave in that process could be viewed similarly given it might not have happened had it not been for the Charrandas Persaud vote. There hasn’t been any other plausible explanation and despite the constitutional requirements to resign following the successful passage of a no-confidence motion, the Government operates as if that event never happened.
Suddenly, it is now infused with vigour, time and resources to reach out to residents, especially those in far-flung areas, while boasting of working in their best interest. On the point of trying to convince of being caring, it must be asked why no such sense of purpose before that historic December vote? The relevance becomes obvious from the fact that the Government would have travelled to Lethem during the 2015 campaign. If it is as caring as professed, how only now in 2019 it is boasting of constructing a state-of-the-art airport as proclaimed by the State media.
It should be noted that the 2019 budget is G$300 billion or, plus or minus, US$1.5 billion. It means that the airport in question would cost 3.3 times this year’s budget or an average of three and a half years total budgetary amounts! Exorbitant would, therefore, be an injustice to describe the scale in magnitude of that promise. While there is no argument over the need for a better airport, making such outlandish promises can only be interpreted as gross deception and probably an insult to the intelligence of Guyanese.
In its sudden haste and folly to demonstrate that it wants to improve the lives of residents, the Government has once again resorted to hoodwinking through promises that are almost impossible to realise as in the case of the new Lethem airport. Surely, it must be aware of what can or cannot be delivered. By making promises deemed to be unrealistic, it is repeating what it did in 2015 and by its own record, or lack thereof, rendering itself untrustworthy.
It should be noted that one minister has since expressed doubts about the amount reported for that airport promise. It would, therefore, seem fair to ask; should his doubt not be seen as a form of exposure of the appearance of another false promise being made by the Government? Should it not be seen as a direct attempt to fool citizens in a desperate effort to get their votes? Should it not be seen as ploy to generate positive but deceptive headlines and sound bites at the expense of the welfare of the people?
An integral part of these outreaches by the Government is the appearance of it pleading with residents not to listen to the PPP. It should be noted what the PPP has been saying over time and which have led to the no-confidence motion. That Party has been consistent in its messaging in accusing the Government of, among other things, being corrupt; incompetent and therefore incapable of governing; visionless; extravagant; inhumane; taking care of itself while increasingly burdening the Guyanese people; bringing economic stagnation and hardships; increasing the cost of living; dissipating confidence in investors and woefully failing to curb the ever-escalating crime situation.
The Party’s assessment of the Government can easily be compared to what the current realties are. Since 2015, a number of businesses and industries have and continue to close, putting thousands out of jobs with devastating social impact. Commerce has slowed as a result with other factors including increased and burdensome taxes. The Government handed itself a massive increase in salary while providing excuses to significantly up those of Public Servants. Extravagance seems to abound and questionable contractual engagements have led to various accusations of corruption.
Given what the Government promised in 2015, its subsequent failure to deliver and its flagrant disregard for the Constitution, many are convinced that its current excursion to engage residents is just another cycle to hold on to power. Its actions seem to fuel that reality.