Protect and serve whom?

Dear Editor,
Dear Editor, after listening to my neighbor blasting music throughout the whole day on Sunday 18th August, I decided to call tel. 2682222 at 7:21 pm and informed the officer at Leonora Police Station of my problem and asked if they could visit the area and request the music to be turned down.
The officer informed me that the patrol would visit the area shortly. At 10:21 pm I called again and another officer claimed she had taken over the shift and no one informed her, so again I made another request and she also said a patrol would visit the area.
At 11:03 pm I called again and she informed me that the patrol in Tuschen dealing with a domestic problem and immediately after, they would come to my location. At 11:48 I called back and once more was told that the patrol was in DeKendren and coming right away. At 12:20 pm I finally doze off with music still blasting loudly.
Editor, the Leonora police station is two villages away from me, less than a 10-minute drive, and the Commander s office is right there. The noise nuisance was almost unbearable throughout the day, and to make matters worse, the people put their boxes out in the yard and pointed them to my house directly. Between 7:21 pm to 11:48 pm, I made six phone calls to the Guyana Police Force for assistance and sadly, I couldn t get any.
I m guessing because I ve two contacts, I could call and wonder if I m supposed to offer any money to get assistance. After six telephone calls, and no help, if I had taken action in my own hands, would I have been the bad one? Is there any other agency I could approach when I cannot get help from those who are supposed to protect and serve?

Sahadeo Bates