Police Service Commission recently met and addressed the newly promoted Officers and Inspectors of the Guyana Police Force at the Officers’ Training Centre at Camp Road and Young Street Eve Leary, Georgetown.
Chairman of the PSC, Retired Assistant Commissioner Paul Slowe, DSM, elaborated on the process employed in the selection of those promoted.
Slowe highlighted that the personal file of each of the ranks recommended had to be thoroughly perused in order to select the best. The Commission’s Chair further emphasised the need for ranks to pass the appropriate qualifying examinations as well as possess a “clean slate”.
Retired Assistant Commissioner Paul Slowe
Slowe, a former Assistant Commissioner of Police who is revered for his discipline and dedication in stamping out corruption, noted that going forward, the processes of selection will not be one which can be infiltrated by acts of bribery or any such act which in any way would suggest corruption. He further made mention of Standing Order #22 which guides the promotion process.
Standing Order #22, Paragraph 2 states “Preference of promotion will always be given to those who have the necessary personality, who possess the necessary qualities of leadership and who have manifested integrity, superior intelligence, zeal, loyalty and energy in the discharge of their duties”.
In his first official address for 2019, Commissioner of Police Leslie James, DSS DSM, extended congratulatory greetings to the newly promoted.
Accompanied by his Deputies, James highlighted the transformation process the Force has begun since the installation of the new Administration in respect to the implementation of the recommendations by the UK Consultants.
Vesta Adams, Claire Jarvis and Clinton Conway, members of the Commission also shared brief remarks.
Police Commissioner Leslie James
The Guyana Police Force congratulates the newly promoted ranks and wishes them God’s richest blessings as they continue to climb the ladder of success.