– criticises Kaieteur and Stabroek News for publishing anti-national information
A recent advertisement that appeared in two local national newspapers urging investors not to set up business here has been described by the Private Sector Commission (PSC) as anti-national.
The half page paid advertisement was carried in the Kaieteur News and Stabroek News on Wednesday February 7, and again on Thursday, and read: “Investors Beware, Go Invest Elsewhere” in bold letters.
President of the PSC, Eddie Boyer told Guyana Times on the sidelines of the Guyana International Petroleum Business Summit (GIPEX) 2018 on Thursday that he was alarmed when he first saw it appear in the newspapers.
“The advertising to those newspapers comes from the Private Sector and people who depend on investment. Why are we taking a position on investment? Whoever gave that ad had no right to do so whether local or foreign,” the PSC asserted.
The PSC head also lashed out at the two daily newspapers that published the advertisement for two consecutive days, especially during a time when Guyana is hosting its first ever oil summit.
He said, “I think the papers had a right to find out about it and decide that it is something we should not be publicising, especially given the fact that we have investors in the country.”
Boyer pointed out that there are a number of local companies that are participating in the summit and sees it as an opportunity to build on, especially given that oil and gas is becoming a new sector for Guyana.
“And being here with all the oil executives, oil giants, sub-contractors from around the world, I think it was wrong timing. I think it was also anti-national,” he added.
But the PSC head did not stop there, adding that he hopes other bodies come out and condemn the mischievous act, as it reeks of vindictiveness and should not be encouraged to happen again. “I hope others come out and condemn the ad, because the newspapers shouldn’t have carried it,” he added.
Asked whether he thinks that the advertisement had any impact on the summit, the PSC President responded in the negative stating that it was a waste of time.
Speaking from a personal point of view, Boyer said he is a Guyanese first and foremost who has business investment in the country, and he would hope that people would think along the same lines.
“I hope that the persons who advocated for no investment to come in Guyana, could understand that any investment coming here would benefit Guyanese and in turn benefit their businesses,” he stated.
Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman has also expressed his disappointment with the advertisement, which he said is clearly aimed at discouraging investment in Guyana, when the world’s top industries are in country seeking partners.
Meanwhile, Finance Minister Winston Jordan also stated his displeasure with the advertisement, stating that Guyanese should reject any move to destabilise the country.
Minister Jordan said while there is provision for freedom of speech, the advertisement and the authors of it went beyond the boundary and should not be tolerated.
“If we have a difference in the family, I am sure we can solve it, but when you bring it nationally so as to bring harm and put our country into disrepute, I think everybody, every right-thinking Guyanese, should be able to say no, we have our differences but no, we don’t need to carry it this far,” he added.
Meanwhile, Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) President Shyam Nokta said that his organisation was fully supportive of the position taken by the PSC.
Speaking with Guyana Times during an interview, Nokta said that the Private Sector was united on this particular issue as he explained that the GMSA did not oppose any form of lucrative or transparent investment coming into the country.
He said that the GMSA was supportive of Government in its quest to seek out regional and foreign direct investment and as such, could not support any advertisement that was aimed at turning away investment from the country.
The advertisement was published on the first day of GIPEX 2018. The summit seeks to create a platform for networking and partnership opportunities for all investors as Guyana prepares for first oil in 2020.