Home Letters Public officers are chosen based on merit, not on party affiliation
Dear Editor,
Christopher Jones has filed a lawsuit challenging the suitability of Mr Hicken for the post of Police Commissioner. Now, at first glance, one might have thought that there had to have been some genuine concern from Jones that would work against the Top Cop position.
I am talking about flaws such as Mr Hicken’s lack of ethics or morals or some other job-related deficiency? But a careful look at the allegations levelled against him shows that Mr Hicken is not one of the PNC’s “good boys” so he would not fit into the script of a Police Commissioner.
Maybe one the likes of a Winston Felix would have more fitted into their mould, that is, the more political you are the more likable would be your resume for the position. In the PNC’s Book of appointments, the more pro party the more suitable a candidate you would become. Once you do not measure up to those rules you are automatically an unsuitable individual.
Well, I have news for them, Mr Hicken is none of the above but a civil servant who does his work without fear or favour, affection or ill will and for this cause, he is most suitable for the post.
It follows a pattern of behaviour by the PNC, once you are not prepared to tow the party line then you are an outcast. Then it behoves us to conclude why frivolous accusations were brought against Commissioner Seelall Persaud and Ramnarine. Mr Blanhum comes in for dishonourable mention here also. In fact, all-important public figures taking up appointments in the PPP/C tenure of office are considered outcasts by the PNC.
In a related matter, the news is out that the position of Mayor of Georgetown is soon to come under the chopping block of that party, the reason being, that he does not look like one of us, therefore he is against us. That asinine statement was echoed by a former member of the Government when she said “I am looking for people who look like me to fill vacancies in the Government service.” What a statement coming from the mouth of Government personnel! It shows the depravity of those in that party and the blatant backwardness they hold on to.
So, in closing, let me inform the PNC, that political appointees are a thing of the past, gone are the days of rank political appointments. We are now looking forward to having people chosen purely on the basis of their merits.
Neil Adams