PYO sympathises with Eon Caesar’s family

The Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) – the youth arm of the People’s Progressive Party – has expressed deep sympathy with the wife, daughters, other relatives and friends of the late Eon Caesar, President of the GMSA.

The late ER Braithwaite
The late ER Braithwaite

Caesar died last Friday afternoon in Trinidad after a brief but severe illness. He was 47 years old. Private Sector Commission (PSC) Executive Member Ramesh Dookhoo had stated that Caesar died in hospital in the Twin-Island Republic where he had been on life support.

According to the PYO, Caesar epitomised what Guyana needs for rapid development. “He was a dedicated young man who lent his efforts personally and through various organisations to making Guyana a better place by, inter alia, offering constructive solutions and contributions to a number of current issues in Guyana,” the Organisation said in a statement. It added that Caesar was a devoted father and a committed son and husband. “He was a son of our soil about whom we could all be justly proud. We encourage his daughters and other close relatives and friends to take comfort in the fact that his legacy will live on in many different ways,” it noted. Caesar was praised for his contribution and leadership in the Private Sector and Rotary. The GMSA President fell ill several weeks ago and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a city hospital before going overseas for medical attention. It was reported that he was suffering from a lung infection. However, while in Trinidad, his kidneys failed causing him to succumb.