Queensway/GSSF Steel Challenge a success – Persaud
The Guyana Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) hosted another successful Steel Challenge Tier 1 Shooting tournament at the GDF Timehri Range, sponsored by Queensway Group of Companies Inc; according to Match Director Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon.
Sporting shooting competitors take a photo op following the conclusion of the Queensway Steel Challenge
The safely concluded competition consisted of three (3) different stages where competitors all shot at 5 individual steel targets per stage. 1 of the targets is designated as a “stop plate” which when hit stops the time: this plate should be shot last. Shooters were scored using an electronic timing device, penalties of +3 seconds are applied for any misses after the stop plate is shot and the time taken is the score. The shooter with the lowest overall time wins.
Persaud-McKinnon opined that “Steel Challenge is the perfect way to introduce new shooters to sport shooting because of the easy to understand rules and scoring. The instant audible feedback (ping) is heard when the bullet hits the steel proves to be very encouraging and challenges shooters to return for more and better times.”
Competition was fierce between GSSFPresident Ryan McKinnon and Pravesh Harry in the first two stages with the two swapping lead positions. Also putting in fast times consistently was young shooter John Phang who seemed in good focus for a high finish.
Harry using a specialised scoring application. The striking glass plaques sponsored by Queensway Group of Companies were presented by GSSF Director and Asst. Secretary/Treasurer, Mr. Andrew Phang.
After the smoke cleared the local steel challenge McKinnon did enough to clinch the win and finished more than 8 seconds ahead of Harry who in turn fended off the blazing young Phang by a comfortable 5 seconds and change. Overall Match Results of the G.S.S.F. Steel Challenge Competition sponsored by
After the competition, shooters were given a special treat and opportunity to participate in a Side-Match with a cash prize. This involved the shooting of 2 different firearms in the same stage, those being a CZ Shadow 2 and a Glock 17. This proved to be an exciting end to the day as shooters safely negotiated the stage. At the start both guns were unloaded and lay on either ends of the start table, the objective was to secure hits on 3 steel plates, using a limited round count of 5 the score would be the total time. Additionally, competitors had to use both guns independently at some point before completing the stage. The winning time was a sub 8 second run by McKinnon who donated his cash winnings to the Foundation.
The GSSF would like to extend its sincerest gratitude to the GPF, Commissioner Ramnarine, the OC TSU and the ranks of the GPF Armoury and TSU. Additional thanks are extended to Brigadier Patrick West and the GDF for the use of their range facility at Timehri.