Dear Editor,
In further reference to my letter to the editor published on December 29, 2022, an interesting revelation was brought to my attention, which I believe needs to be placed in the public domain for your readers’ consumption.
Ms. Janki is known to have amassed a record of questions she posed publicly for answers from the Government and the oil companies on financial matters. Some of these include the feasibility of the gas-to-shore project, and rate of recovery for the oil companies’ investments (which I dealt with in my previous letter). Most, if not all, of the answers to her questions are publicly available, and are subject to public scrutiny. I have addressed many of her questions (though not in direct response to her) in previous writings, which can be found in mainstream media.
As I have established in one of my previous letters months ago, when I was taking on the misinformation and flawed analyses propagated by Tom Sanzillo et al from the IEEFA, I had also exposed their real agenda. It is true that every individual, every stakeholder group, has an agenda. It is not a difficult task to discern one’s or a group’s agenda; some are transparent, and some are covert. When professionals with a perceived credible background and qualifications start to propagate unusually skewed narratives disguised as analysis, this leaves much to be desired, and leads one to question what their hidden motives are, if any.
This is exactly the case with the IEEFA, which I have dealt with; and they no longer produce reports on Guyana after I exposed them; and similarly, it appears, this is also the case with Ms. Melinda Janki. 
The above screenshot is taken from the 1999 Petroleum Prospecting License, a document that is available on the internet, which confirmed that Ms. Melinda Janki was hired to represent ExxonMobil at the time, either in her individual capacity or as part of a firm she worked with at the time.
In view of this revelation, can Ms Melinda Janki confirm whether she was indeed working for ExxonMobil at the time in respect to their operations in Guyana back in 1999? Clearly, ExxonMobil did not retain her or her firm’s services in the 2016 contract. Is this the reason she is vexatious to the extent she is fuelling a series of preposterous contentions? Is she upset with Exxon for not renewing her or her firm’s contract?
May I point out that ExxonMobil started operating in Guyana in 1999, and all of her public writings through various forums and articles are in the post-2016 period? None of her criticisms is dated during the period 1999 to 2016.
Editor, Ms Janki, in this circumstance, needs to do the ethical thing and come clean with the Guyanese public. What is her motive/ agenda?
Yours faithfully,
Joel Bhagwandin