Home News Quotations underway for fabrication of panels
DHB repairs
…works unlikely to be completed this year
Quotations for the fabrication of panels for the Demerara Harbour Bridge are currently in process but it is highly unlikely that the works will be completed by the end of 2018.
This is according to the General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation (DHBC), Rawlston Adams, who told Guyana Times during an interview that the body is awaiting word from the contractor as it relates to the quotations.
“The contractor who we’re having discussions with to get us some quotations is yet to provide that information. We’re trying to get that information so that we can begin to plan our works. It’s not only fabricating the panels, it’s also galvanising the panels and so we need some quotation for galvanising,” Adams said.
While only some of the panels need attention, the broken ones which were repaired in the past would have to be replaced. While Adams is unsure of the period of time which will be taken for the quotation to be submitted, he noted that plans will be drafted as soon as this is done.
“Galvanisng is not done locally so it has to be done overseas. It has to be shipped, returned, so unless we have those timelines available to us, we cannot start. We wouldn’t be doing that for all the panels, just the ones that are damaged. There are a few that are broken that needs replacement. We’ve done some repairs to them and we decided that we’ll have to replace them in the near future.”
This is the only major work which will be undertaken by the Corporation along with other small maintenance works. There are other areas of the bridge which require rehabilitative works. However, the main focus of the company is to have the panels replaced.
Earlier this year, the announcement was made by the DHBC to close all marine and vehicular traffic for about five days to change the panels. At that time, Adams was positive that the works would be completed by the ending of this year.
In addition to this project, the DHBC was also working on the rehabilitation of six large pontoons and 15 regular ones along with the fabrication of 40 buoys, 20,000 feet of galvanised anchor chain and 30,000 feet of wire ropes and the rehabilitation of the traffic office for this year. This was expected to cost approximately $267 million.