Radios provided for children in remote Powaikuro village

The radios which were donated to families in the very remote Warrau village of Powaikuro, Region One

The Government through the Education Department in Region One (Barima-Waini) on Saturday handed over 23 radios to Powaikuro Village.
During a visit to the village two weeks ago, District Education Officer Marti De Souza had made a commitment to the parents that every household that has a child in school would benefit from a radio so that they can follow the educational programmes broadcast on Radio Mabaruma, the Education Ministry said on Tuesday.
Powaikuro is a very remote Warrau village in Region One. There are approximately 54 school-age children, most of whom attend the Lower Kaituma Primary School Annex. In addition to the radios, the Education Ministry has provided print material including worksheets for learners in that region.