Rainforest Tours host 22nd anniversary of Pakaraima Safari
…as GTA aims to bring experts to assess areas for tourism in Regions 6,7,9
Serving as a pioneering venture in its 22nd year, Rainforest Tours, in partnership with the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), has launched the 22nd edition of the North Pakaraima Safari.
The programme this year is scheduled for April 13 to April 20.
Speaking at a recent press conference at the launch of this initiative on Friday, Frank Singh, Director and Managing Coordinator of Rainforest Tours, revealed that this year’s event is poised to be much better, due to the improved roads and favourable weather conditions.
GTA Director, Kamrul Baksh
“This year, we are expecting more courses to be involved because the roads are much better, the interior is accessible, and the weather is very good. We are happy to have more courses on board. As usual, the communities are expecting us around Safari time,” he explained.
Meanwhile, GTA Director, Kamrul Baksh, stated that the 22nd edition of the North Pakaraima Safari is a special year, marking 25 years of development since the initiative began.
Baksh also emphasised the importance of safety for this event, stating that in-depth focus will be lent to this.
“I also want to mention that I know Frank and Rainforest Tours pay close attention to risk and safety management and emergency protocols. Just yesterday, we concluded a training for sector tour operators on emergency practices. This was done in collaboration with the Guyana Conservation Initiative, and over 10 operators benefited from this training,” he revealed.
Frank Singh, Director and Managing Coordinator of Rainforest Tours
Baksh added that safety is of paramount importance in the tourism industry, noting that one of the benefits of the event is the audits conducted by Rainforest Tours and other vehicles to ensure a high degree of safety.
“We just want to ensure and let the public know that safety is important. We want to maintain an incident-free event, activity, and experience throughout the year. Incidents can affect the destination, so we must maintain the highest standards of safety,” Baksh explained.
Baksh further revealed that this year, they are focusing on conducting assessments of other areas and regions, bringing experts to evaluate certain regions for tourism potential.
“This legacy has provided exceptional experiences and memories over the years. The Guyana Tourism Authority is really focusing on adventure tourism this year. We will be bringing an adventure expert to assess areas in Regions Six, Seven, and Nine—regions that feature some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the country,” he said.
“We hope to be able to package all of these gems and attractions, and we plan to bring the expert later this year to make further announcements,” Baksh added.
He also highlighted that the Safari showcases these great landscapes and attractions, which are a central part of the event’s appeal.