Rainforest Tours to host Safari in south Rupununi

…after flooding cancelled inaugural Independence Safari

Just four months after the canceling of the inaugural Independence Safari, Rainforest Tours Guyana has returned with a bang as they are set to head to the south to experience the vast aura.
This was announced by Managing Director and CEO of Rainforest Tours Guyana, Frank Singh, during a recent interview with this publication.
“We had to cancel the last safari due to all the flooding that was happening; however, patrons can be ready for an unforgettable experience in November as we will be heading to the south.”
On this point, he said the vast variety of attractions that the South Rupununi Safari is set to offer those who attend.

Managing Director and CEO of Rainforest Tours Guyana, Frank Singh

“The South Rupununi Safari offers an ideal opportunity for persons to experience the outdoors, have fun and adventure, discover the picturesque beauty of miles of savannahs, and explore little-known places south of Guyana’s interior. Whether you are crossing the Rupununi River, camping in the open, or driving for miles in flat savannah land teeming with flora and fauna,” he told Guyana Times.
He added that the South Rupununi region has some of the most beautiful scenery that one will come across, some of these are; Dadanawa, with its long and rich history, held the claim of being the world’s largest cattle ranch and was used as a home base for filming several episodes of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, one of television’s first wildlife shows.
Dadanawa itself is known for over 400 bird species, including Jabiru Storks, Guiana Cock-of-the-Rock, and the rare Red Siskin. Apart from the rugged-looking ranch at Dadanawa and the dry savannahs, this frontier is blessed with wildlife, including Jaguars, Pumas, Anacondas, Black Caimans, and Piranhas.
“The safari will vastly stand out and bring a new, exciting experience to villages, including the Wapishana village – Shea – where patrons will get a glimpse of the Shea Rock, which towers over the flat savannahs. From Shea, patrons will get a stunning view of the famed Bottle Mountain, the Shiriri Mountain, and the Kanuku Mountains in the distance.
This is an opportunity for tough drivers to test their skills and enjoy the “Vaqueros’ territory.”
Organised by the Tourism Industry and Commerce Ministry, & and the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) in collaboration with Rainforest Tours and the Local Government Ministry, there will be several attractions, including “The Bottle Mountain, The Kanuku Mountains, Shea Village, and the Shea Rock; Petroglyphs, over 400 species of birds, and a visit to the corral to see the vaqueros tame wild horses, brand steers, tan leather, and round up cattle.”