Rains, rising river levels threaten crops, livestock
Heavy rainfall in Mahaicony
As heavy rainfall persists in many locations across the country, farmers and
The water level in the Mahaicony River on Sunday afternoon. Residents and farmers are watching the conditions with much concern
residents along Mahaicony River, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) are watching rising water levels with much concern. Many have noted that the conditions are threatening their crops and livestock, including goats, cows and chickens.
On Sunday, Guyana Times was informed that owing to the prevailing weather conditions, many farmers were hesitant to plant rice, the main source of sustenance in the area. This has delayed cultivation of the current crop and that would impact on the finances of the many persons who reside in that Region.
According to information received, with the recent heavy rainfall, the water level in the river has reached the banks, and the high tide worsens the threat. This threat to residents’ livelihood is similar to events that occurred in the area for several months last year when communities, including Mora Point, Pine Ground, Gordon Table and Moraikobai all suffered intermittent flooding. Many farmers in these villages had lost cash crops, and similar to now, livestock was threatened. Recently, mass flooding in several remote communities in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) and Eight (Potaro-Siparuni) occurred, threatening the lives of hundreds of residents.