…in politics
Your Eyewitness has oft written (…like that, eh??!!) about events serving as “Rorschach Tests” that reveal the mindsets and motivations of political actors in Guyana. But with the fallout from the “Chronicle firings” we don’t need to project anything…the players are openly “telling it like it is”!! It’s like everyone has now been given Superman’s “X-ray vision” – adapted to expose political machinations!!
The “official” explanation by the Chronic editor for firing Hinds and Lewis was the paper was being “rebranded”. Let’s take that for what it’s worth and examine the writings of the fellas who replaced the two whose heads were served on a platter, a la Salome and Herod, for clues about the “rebranding”!! They’re two youngsters who seem to’ve been just exposed to the western “classics” in book form and couldn’t have possibly been around long enough to experience how the nuggets of wisdom might’ve fared in our Guyanese reality.
It’s clear the two young men still believe history unfolds in a unilinear fashion along paths trod by the Greeks and Romans. Even Black Panther hasn’t woken them up to the fact that there can be other (maybe more relevant) trajectories!! Anyhow, one of the replacements, essayed a piece taken from the Philippics of Cicero against the ambitions of Mark Anthony to take over the Roman Empire. He warned against “The Enemy Within” who’re doubly dangerous because they speak in the “accents” of the incumbents. In other words, they’re traitors to the Republic.
This argument was made explicitly against David Hinds by the fella your Eyewitness referred to yesterday, Milton Bruce, who seem to have a real grouse against the activist. His venom is palpable! And this is where your Eyewitness thinks things are getting out of hand. Once the “chosen” start using words like “enemies” and “betrayal” of “us” and “they” will get in to do “us” in, then we are unleashing a misdset that took us over the abyss before.
This is the language of extremism that inevitably leads us to ensure “purity” of those who’ll be allowed to enter into the Kingdom of (in our case) the coming oil wealth. Hinds and Lewis have repeatedly assured the powers-that-be they’re committed to the end game, but are just in disagreement with some particulars. This is not “pure” enough for the new gatekeepers, so what about the rest of us??
It’s just like when that upstart Rodney dared to tell Burnham he was insulting African Guyanese when he assumed they’d railroad a “PPP Indian” from the Corentyne, for treason.
And we all know the “sharper steel” had to be brought out, don’t we? It’s like déjà vu all over again!!
…in elections rigging
Have you, dear readers, been following the accusations of a Data Mining company – Cambridge Analytica (CA) – having access to 50 million Facebook accounts – and using the info to possibly influencing the last US elections on behalf of Trump? Now, while most have been obsessing about the betrayal of the Facebook business model’s confidentiality assurances to its members, your Eyewitness is more concerned about the “influencing” of elections by CA!!
He’s always assumed Facebook would be using its data to make money – and that means closing their eyes to a whole lot of slackness. But while you, dear reader, may believe this kind of data exploitation might work in the US where everyone’s plugged into the Matrix, and it doesn’t concern us, think again!! News is out from a secret taping of a CA executive by a British TV Channel, they were involved in the recently (very) troubled elections in Ghana that had to be held over because of violations!
And, dear reader, if data manipulation could affect the Kenyan elections, why should we be exempt??
…of water
GWI just announced they want to build a new HQ on prime Bel Air land they reclaimed because a fence was obstructing the Lama Canal.
As opposed to a building?