Ramsaroop calls on voters to reject PNC rule of City Hall

Local Government Elections 2018

…if they want to see Georgetown truly develop & flourish

Economic Advisor to the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Peter Ramsaroop, is calling for the outright rejection of a Peoples National Congress (PNC)-led City Hall at the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE).
The PPP/C’s flyer for local elections stated that the PNC rule of the City Hall has been characterised by 52 years of incompetence, maladministration and blatant mismanagement, which have led to disastrous consequences for the people of Georgetown.
Ramsaroop, who has proposed numerous improvements to the City Hall’s management in various columns over the last decade, has noted that it is critical that the current managers of City Hall are completely removed at this election.
He told Guyana Times on Sunday, “One just has to look at the physical condition of the world-famous City Hall building and wonder how it is safe for residents of Georgetown to conduct business there. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.”
Ramsaroop believes the PPP/C candidates and programmes are ready to take Georgetown to a new level. Areas of economic growth, he said, must be seen in the wharf areas, the seawall, and the development of new access roads across the city utilising overpasses, among other things.
Given the chance, residents of Georgetown will see significant improvement, he said. The PPP/C is calling for accountability and transparency. The party has stated its non-support for parking meters, and has called for justice for vendors. Ramsaroop said the mistreatment of vendors alone should be an indicator that voters need to take note of.
The PPP/C advisor has since also called on PNC supporters who dominate the constituency to reject their leadership this round and allow the new team to take the capital city to new heights.
He said, “Many would say the PPP/C had their chance in Government, but this was never the case with the City’s management, which has been under PNC rule for many decades.”
Ramsaroop, along with PPP/C candidate for Constituency Number Three, Dimitri Ali, and Charles Ramson, Jnr, and other party executives, were engaged in a recent walk around.
Just last month following a plethora of complaints against City Hall by residents, vendors and members of the business community, the Local Government Commission (LGC) was given no choice but to launch a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the operations at City Hall.
Financial mismanagement continues to be chief among the complaints, in addition to the bullying tactics employed by the officials; which Ramsaroop has pointed out continues to be the hallmark of PNC rule.
So far, the CoI has heard from current and former employees who appeared to testify that their benefits and contributions to the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) were not paid.
In addition, the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) told the CoI that it has been awaiting payments from the City Hall for rates and taxes dating back to 2016; while there has also been examination of pension payments to a broker insurance company that has not been paid for the past 19 months.
Further, many businesses have come forward and blasted City Hall for failing to approve numerous applications for respective properties for construction and other purposes.
Evidence of financial improprieties uncovered at City Hall by Consultant Ramon Gaskin since 2012, when he conducted an audit there, will also be presented at the CoI. Gaskin is expected to provide the evidence to substantiate his recommendations based on that audit, where he recommended criminal charges.
Prior to the announcement by the LGC to launch a CoI into the operations at City Hall, Town Clerk Royston King was sent on administrative leave. Both King and City Mayor Patricia Chase Green are expected to testify at later hearings. Both individuals are members of the PNC.
The Inquiry is expected to conclude on October 31, 2018, when the necessary recommendations will be submitted after all evidence has been presented before the Commission.
Headed by Retired Justice Cecil Kennard, the CoI is seeking to investigate the nonpayment of benefits, a rejected no-confidence motion that was filed against Town Clerk Royston King by Councillor Sherod Duncan, contracts that were awarded, and the mismanagement of funds, among other areas.
Justice Kennard has sought to point out that letters in the media will not be taken into account as testimony. Hence persons would have to take the stand under oath to submit their evidence.