Rape charge against Essequibo Coast pastor discharged

Accused of drugging and raping a female, Collin Samuels, a pastor at the People’s Restoration Ministries in Essequibo, on Tuesday had the case against him discharged by Anna Regina Magistrate Esther Sam after a no-case submission presented by Defence Attorney Bernard Da Silva was upheld.
“Pastor Sammy” was charged for the offence in August 2022, and was granted bail in the sum of $150,000. On Tuesday, when the case was called, he was represented by Attorney Da Silva who, in his submissions, stated that on the day in question, his client was not in the jurisdiction and, as such, could not have had contact with the virtual complainant.

Discharged: Collin Samuels

Further, the attorney contended that in her statement, the VC mentioned that, on the day in question, there were other members who purportedly stayed back to clean and close up the church, but she could not submit their names to corroborate her story.
Moreover, a report about the incident was made to the Police on May 9, 2022, more than a month after the incident had allegedly taken place; and on April 17, 2022, the VC reportedly confessed to the wife of the accused that she had been in a relationship with the pastor for the past two years.
Based on this evidence among other things, the defence submitted its no-case submission, and accused the prosecution of failing to discharge its burden of proof in support of the elements of the charge of rape. As such, the charge against Samuels was discharged.
Police had stated that, on April 2, 2022, Pastor Samuels had allegedly given the VC something to drink, after which she had felt dizzy and requested to be taken home. Instead, the pastor had allegedly raped her. A Police report that was filed had led to Samuels being arrested and charged.