Recht-Door-Zee robbery thwarted by alert neighbours

Plans to burglarise a home at Lot 665 Recht-Door-Zee Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara on Friday afternoon were foiled when alert neighbours got wind of what was transpiring and alerted the home owner.
Fifty-eight-year-old Sheila Griffith, owner of the home, related that she was returning home in the early afternoon hours when a neighbour alerted her that someone was inside her house.
By the time this information was verified and calls were made to the Police, the suspect had escaped through a window in the kitchen.
“I came home around 01:00h, and the neighbour told me not to go into my yard because someone is in my house. I called the Police, but by then they already escaped through the kitchen window,” Griffith detailed.
When she entered the home, she discovered it completely ransacked, and the bandits had accumulated some items which they were attempting to steal.
“My whole house was tumbled up. They empty my wardrobe and break down my

One of the rooms that were ransacked

bedroom door. They done had things pack up, like the TV and computer and so; but they didn’t get to carry anything,” she detailed.
Griffith is convinced that she could have been harmed had she entered the home unknowingly. The traumatised woman has said that while nothing was stolen from her home, many robberies have occurred in the area because of the lack of Police presence.
“I know other persons in the area who have been robbed. I came home and I was traumatised, because if they didn’t call, I would’ve come in the house and he could have done me anything. I think we need more policing groups in these areas,” she declared.