Home Letters Red Thread has been failing over the past 3 years
Dear Editor,
Red Thread’s involvement in the protest intending to advocate for the rights of Amerindians, in front of the privately-owned Mae’s Schools, has been hailed as admirable work. However, the organisation has now exposed itself to criticisms of inaction on similar causes.
Just consider its silence in the face of the APNU/AFC assault on Amerindians over the course of the past there years.
Where was Red Thread when 1,972 young Amerindians were fired, and there has since been no effort or initiative to re-engage them in productive areas that see their welfare addressed?
Where was Red Thread when a Government Minister, Keith Scott, in no less a place than the National Assembly, castigated thousands of Amerindians for being greedy?
Where was the outrage when Minister Scott not only rose and told the National Assembly that Amerindians were avaricious in their request for more lands, but also refused to apologize for his comments?
Editor, it is not only the silence on the attacks on Amerindian people that is objectionable, but Red Thread’s silence on the violation of liberties of women in the public sector. We have seen countless professional women in the public service being bullied out of their jobs on less than substantial grounds.
We have seen the despicable display of a pregnant woman being hauled before the courts, accompanied by her lawyer, Nigel Hughes, on baseless charges, and being booted out of her post. Where was Red Thread then?
The organisation’s Karen de Souza had boasted some years ago about the focus of her organization, and had argued that Red Thread has three priorities, including protection and justice for women and increased visibility and voice for grassroots women.
Where were the protests when thousands of female sugar workers were callously fired?
Where was Red Thread when the current Government blatantly disrespected and ignored the laws of Guyana by failing to pay their full severance?
Where was Red Thread when there were multiple calls for a decision of such magnitude to be based on solid information, not just based on a whim?
Where was Red Thread when the Government ignored its own Commission of Inquiry Report which made it clear that no sugar estate should be closed because of the consequences?
Red Thread has repeatedly rejected association with the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) by saying it is an ‘old story’ that is repeated. But how do you explain Red Thread’s silence in the face of actions taken by this Coalition Government, which the WPA is part of?
How can the association between the WPA and Red Thread be discounted as an ‘old story’ when the organization is inconsistent in defending the causes it is supposed to represent?
Editor, I would like to submit that credibility as an organization hinges on its consistency in fighting issues; but, in this regard, Red Thread has been failing over the past three years.
Baldeo Mathura