Reg 4 Chairman bars AFC’s NCM against APNU Vice Chair

…as clerk reprimanded for allowing notice of motion

A showdown is looming at the Region 4 Regional Democratic Council (RDC), where a motion of no confidence against Vice Chairman Samuel Sandy, who was chosen ahead of the Alliance For Change (AFC) candidate, has been vetoed by the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)-allied Chairman Daniel Seeram.
In fact, the Chairperson went even further. According to correspondence addressed to Clerk of Council Donald Gajraj and seen by this publication, Seeram reprimanded the clerk for sending the memo informing the council of the No Confidence Motion (NCM), which was supposed to be heard on Wednesday.
“The content of your memo has also come across as somewhat instructive and viewed as an attempt to commandeer the chairmanship at the upcoming RDC Statutory Meeting. Therefore, it is timely for me to remind you once again that you are a creature of the Council, a subordinate officer of the Council, and you execute the decisions and directives of the Council,” Seeram said in the letter of reprimand.
“You are hereby severely reprimanded for such a disrespectful act, and you are instructed as the Clerk of Council to desist from such reoccurrences going forward. Be reminded of your roles and responsibilities, and most of all, be professional” he also stated.
In Seeram’s correspondence dismissing the AFC-sponsored motion, he has contended that he could not allow the motion because it was not catered for under the law. In fact, Seeram had harsh words for the motion, calling it a “waste of the council’s time.”
“I have since examined the motion and find it inadmissible. Such a motion is out of order, of no material effect, a mockery of the system, a waste of the council’s time, and specifically political,” Seeram has written.
“In my examination of this motion, it was found that such is not catered for in the laws that govern the Regional Democratic Council. I therefore draw your attention to Cap 28:09 Section 22 (1) in relation to matters contained in the motion submitted.”
The motion in question was moved by AFC member on the RDC Amarnauth Chinkan, and seconded by Bryan Nobrega. It has declared that they have no confidence in the Vice Chairman, and has sought for the Vice Chairman to instantly step down from that position and for the clerk to make arrangements for a new Vice Chair to be elected.
The AFC has vented its disagreement over what it says is APNU reneging on an agreement the two parties made for the AFC to get the Vice Chair positions in Regions Seven and Four following the General and Regional Elections.
True to that agreement, AFC had nominated its candidate Neilson McKenzie for the Region 4 Vice Chairman’s position. However, APNU nominated Samuel Sandy and the PPP nominated Desmond Morian.
Voting along party lines, APNU and PPP had cast their 14 votes each for their candidates, and the AFC, with its five votes, backed McKenzie. Seeram then used his deciding vote to elect Sandy, overriding the AFC’s nominee.
Since it came into office after joining forces with the APNU in 2015, the minority AFC has been criticized for the submissive role it has been playing to the abusive APNU. Decisions the former Government made, such as the closure of sugar estates, which put thousands of sugar workers out of jobs, were passed unchallenged, and even supported by the AFC. This is despite the AFC retaining the Agriculture Ministry. (G3)