– express disappointment in 2016
In a review of the year 2016, Councillors of the Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) Regional Democratic Council (RDC) agreed that the year left more to be desired in terms of programme delivery to the people of the Region.

As such, at the first meeting of the Council for 2017, many called for more cohesiveness this year, noting that more effort should be placed on delivery. Councillor Gregory Harris, while urging more cohesion in the Region, has also urged the Council to make progressive changes and to put the people of the community first. He further urged Councillors to work together and set aside their personal and political differences, noting that much more can be accomplished if they work as a team. Harris also made a request for reflection on 2016 to see how much was achieved by the RDC based on its budgetary allocation.
“These are things we need to consider so that 2017 can be a more progressive and productive year for all of us…we have to prioritise projects, identify different community works. So, I’m encouraging us to spend more time in our constituency that we’re responsible for,” he said.
The Councillor further urged his colleagues to bring more cohesive projects to the RDC, noting that he wanted the Council to work more, as he stressed that he was dissatisfied with what was done in 2016.
Councillor Sandra Adams, in explaining that she was echoing sentiments of President David Granger, said much more was expected to be done in the Region. She stated that the Council must work together and do more this year.
Highlighting an achievement, she related that over 700 households were happy for the Christmas season owing to the D&I project, and noted that if each Councillor could have productive projects in their areas, many more homes could be happy.
“I trust that 2017 be a year of progress, that we leave all the name picking outside and we come in with a mind of work to put ourselves to the wheel,” Adams continued.
Meanwhile, Councillor Gordon Callender shared his hope that for 2017 the Council would move forward and not sideline persons for personal gain, as well as work as a team.
“People are disgruntled and I hope this year, we would see all the progress whether the President want or ain’t want, we must show he that Region 10 is capable enough of leading,” Callender said.
He added that he would have seen fast changes in the Council for some parts of 2016 and was looking forward for more of that this year.
Similar sentiments were expressed by Councillor Tracy Johnson, who noted that 2016 was not a very good year for the RDC, as he highlighted that it did not deliver well its programme.
Additionally, Councillor Stanley Collins said he was disappointed in what was done by the Council in 2016, as he explained that there were a number of things which he was dissatisfied with. For one, he said, he found Regional Chairman Renis Morian to be very unpleasant, citing an occasion where he was refused a Scope of Works by Morian. Collins further expressed dissatisfaction over the inability of the Regional Chairman to provide him with a copy of the Plan of Action for Regional Development (PARD), which was initiated by Government. According to Collins, he believes every Councillor should be given a copy while he stressed that the initiative appeared to have been placed on the back burner.
In response, Morian said the Council was in the process of evaluating what was achieved in 2016, as he stated that much work was done. Morian also shared his hope that the relationship between himself and Councillor Collins improved this year.
As it relates to Councillors’ work, Morian said more focus should be placed on areas to which they are assigned.