Region 2 administration wants $39M for 3 vehicles

Budget 2019

…$800,000 for guard hut
…RDC shocked at lavishness

The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) was shocked on Monday when the body met for a special sitting to review the 2019 Regional Budget and saw $39 million being requested for three vehicles. Also, alarming is the request of $800,000 to build a single guard hut.

The RDC special meeting held on Monday to discuss Region 2’s budget

During the meeting where heads of department presented drafts which were discussed in detail, adjustments made and passed, Regional Chairman Devanand Ramdatt affirmed that the Region had enough vehicles and taxpayers’ monies must be spent wisely. He noted that luxury vehicles were not necessary, but rather the Region needed to focus on providing much-needed services to residents. He asked the advice of the Councillors, who were in full support to strike off the three vehicles. The $800,000 guard hut was also removed from the budget. In the health department, a paramedic ambulance was budgeted for to transport critical patients to the Georgetown Public Hospital in a more safe and timely manner.
A verification of some of the works budgeted for 2019 will be done today when Councillors of the RDC will be visiting the various sites, before the final draft is approved.