Numerous complaints have been recorded in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) regarding the long wait for house lot allocations, titles, a number of irregularities in the application process and squatting. These concerns were raised on Saturday during several meetings in the region hosted by Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal.
A section of the gathering at one of the meetings held in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) on Saturday
Croal, according to a Department of Public Information (DPI) report, has committed to implementing better policy measures geared at ensuring improved services are offered by agencies that fall under the Ministry during the meetings. Meetings were held at Charity, Anna Regina, and Onderneeming Sand Pit/Red Village. During his first meeting, which was held with regional officials, programme heads, and heads of Government agencies, at State House, Anna Regina, he called for better Government services in the region. According to the DPI report, Croal announced that there will be a complete revamp of the Housing operations in Region Two. This will see the establishment of a fully staffed and equipped regional Housing office. This, he said, is needed to ensure that a higher level of service is rendered to citizens. To this end, the Regional Democratic Council has already opted to make a building available to facilitate the operations of the Housing Ministry. Croal also used the opportunity to warn against squatting, as he called on the regional officials to help the Ministry to curb this illegal practice.
Reiterating the Ministry’s zero-tolerance approach to squatting, Minister Croal reminded citizens that applying to the Housing Ministry is the only legal pathway to access a residential house lot from the Government.
He informed the communities that the Government plans to develop 22 areas across the country for housing. In addition to the distribution of 10,000 allocations annually, the Minister spoke of the public-private partnerships which will enhance the Government’s housing drive.
Speaking to issues in the water sector, the Minister spoke of long and short-term interventions which will be completed in the coming months. The Minister also said the Guyana Water Incorporated will ensure that there is frequent flushing of water systems to improve the quality of the water. Additionally, plans are in train for the digging of wells, the rehabilitation of existing ones, and the construction of new pump stations in unserved areas.