Dear Editor,
The entire RDC boardroom was in a state of shock and disbelief when Regional Chairman, David Armogan announced that he has refused to approve the payment to a certain contractor even though the work done was approved by three councillors – two from the PPP/C and one from APNU/AFC.
With contract in hand he explained to the RDC the reason why he refused to do so. The work done was approximately half the size of a normal house lot yet it cost the Region $150,000. The weeding was done at the monument site at Rose Hall Town, opposite Republic Bank by the Rose Hall Town Arch. This was ‘emergency’ work done for the Town Day celebrations. This work could have been done by the Rose Hall Town Council for as much as $5000, maximum $10,000.
When the Chairman questioned the said councillors if they inspected the work they replied in the negative. How could these people whom the residents entrusted to get value for money not inspect the work? How can they determine the standard of work? These are members of the Regional Works Committee and should know the procedures involved before certifying works for payment. These persons have no right to serve us. They must do the honourable thing and resign.
Moreover, it was pointed out by another Councillor that if the Regional Vice Chairman was not on leave then the Chairman would have never been able to discover this fraudulent and corrupt transaction. It is normal for the Vice Chairman to award ‘emergency’ works and to approve payments. The question is where are the checks and balance?
This is type of corruption that Dr Ramayya was agitating about. He was a threat to the Regional Vice Chairman since he refused to approve payments for many such fraudulent works and so he had to be pressured into resigning.
This revelation at the RDC Statutory meeting I am sure, is just the tip of the iceberg and as the Vice Chairman of the Works Committee of the 52-74 NDC, I have had firsthand experience of substandard work being certified by both the Engineer and the Regional Vice Chairman, therefore, I am calling for a forensic audit to be done for all the ‘emergency’ works undertaken; the tender process and the engineer’s estimates which are highly inflated to benefit the contractors who will be in a better financial position to facilitate ‘kickbacks’. Unless this is done the corrupt practices will continue and development of the Region will remain retarded.
Yours sincerely,
Lakram Singh
Councillor and VC of
the Works Committee
52-74 NDC