Region One residents are grateful

Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Ministry of Agriculture for its unwavering commitment to the agriculture sector, particularly with the recent commissioning of agro-processing facilities at White Water and Kumaka in Region One.
The remarkable $51 million investment at Kumaka and the $39 million investment at the White Water facility are set to profoundly benefit both farmers and agro-processors in the region.
The Kumaka facility’s cutting-edge equipment, designed to enhance the production of high-demand products like cassava bread, farine, tuma water, and cassareep, would undoubtedly provide valuable economic opportunities for the 3,000 residents across eight satellite villages.
The potential to process 140 kilograms of cassava daily, amounting to approximately 50,400 kilograms annually, is a significant step forward for the region; and the facility’s capacity to produce 24,000 litres of cassareep each month is truly impressive, and would greatly contribute to the livelihoods of the local population.
This initiative would not only increase the efficiency of agricultural production, but also help to boost the incomes of those involved by adding value to their products.
Your leadership in recognizing and addressing the needs of our agricultural communities is highly commendable, and this facility represents a beacon of hope and growth for farmers and agro-processors alike.
Once again, I extend my sincerest thanks for the Agriculture Ministry’s continued efforts at empowering rural communities and ensuring the sustainability of our agriculture sector.

Yours sincerely,
Jacob Roberts