Rehash of PNC trash talk

Dear Editor,
The Opposition Leader has tendered a ‘dossier’ to the American Secretary of State in what he calls the atrocities of the PPP/C Administration in office. It is a document Norton hopes will gain the attention of the USA’s Administration on the “true state of affairs” of the Guyanese people. He later highlighted some of the contents of his ‘dossier’ in a Facebook discussion, which in essence is a rehash of PNC trash talk, laced with the usual racial epithets.
Another one of their acolytes from Linden, one who calls himself a “prophet sent from God,” but in reality, propagandises PNC’s ideas to the hilt, has also come on board with his set of views of lies hoping to get an audience.
But what Norton nor his pseudo-religious political fanatic are not telling the people, is the fact that the USA is well apprised and advised as to the workings of the PNC Opposition. The American Government is well aware of Guyana’s political landscape where the Opposition is concerned. I am talking about Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch, from first-hand information, would have laid bare the brazen and diabolical attempts by the PNC thugs to rig the last General Election. The Ambassador was present herself in the Ashmins building when all of this was going on, so Norton and his gang of sanctimonious gangsters could bay at the moon for as long as they like, it will not change a thing where the USA is concerned.
I was most heartened also when President Ali met with Congressman Hakeem Jeffries at the Caricom Summit to educate this Congressman on matters taking place in Guyana. Congressman Jeffries has been peddling PNC’s misinformation coming from dubious sources, I am grateful President Ali could have reoriented his thinking as it regards to the things of Guyana.
I close by saying Guyana will not be deterred by a bunch of claptraps who will try to use every opportunity to peddle their lies. It is high time the PNC and their surrogates get off that foolish negativity path and get on board with our One Guyana plan.

Neil Adams