
…the water boy
We live in interesting times. And your Eyewitness isn’t even thinking of all those interesting Haitians trying to blend in with the locals; their giveaway, however, is their being quite religious folks who just have to practise their “Voudou” — which we call “Voodoo”, and which some folks are VERY leery about, and have reported them to Khemraj Ramjattan, who’s supposed to be in charge of Public Security, but not Immigration, of which he was stripped!
No, that’s grist for another mill. What your Eyewitness wants to talk about is the Opposition Leader’s telling it like it is about Moses Nagamootoo.
Seems the PNC government’s been peddling a canard to the international community that the PPP doesn’t want to negotiate with them on several nettlesome matters. Now, everyone in Guyana — and their uncle — knows the reason for the PPP not sitting across the table from the PNC. And it ain’t that they don’t like Moses Nagamootoo, whom the PNC selected as their lead negotiator. Heck, back in the day, Jagdeo negotiated with Desmond Hoyte – and there was no love lost between them!! And Jagdeo was then just cutting his (presidential) teeth!!!
Mouth open and story jump out when Jagdeo recently revealed he got a call from US former President Jimmy Carter – who, of course, brought back free and fair elections to Guyana in 1992. The stillborn negotiations had nothing to do with Nagamootoo being disliked, abhorred, scorned, loathed, detested, despised, or abhorred by the PPP. Of course, folks in the PPP feel that way about Nagamootoo – take your pick!! Who wouldn’t??  In fact, that’s the one thing that unites both PPP factions right now!!
Jagdeo revealed that, in essence, they wouldn’t waste their time negotiating with a fella who’s been so neutered by the PNC he can’t even negotiate an appointment to see President Granger in six months!! About his own neutering!! But Nagamootoo should understand these things – the water boy in cricket just passes on messages from the captain, he has absolutely no authority to answer questions from the fellas in the middle!! To change the analogy, as a man who’s tippled in rumshops from Point Playa to Crabwood Creek, Nagamootoo knows that “lil bottle and big bottle don’t be on the same shelf”!!
If the truth be told, his erstwhile comrades in the PPP are actually quite embarrassed about his treatment at the hands of the PNC. And they’re even more embarrassed at how he’s been forced to become a sycophantic, “toothless poodle” (in the words of Cheddi Jagan) to a party he cussed out for 50 years! At his age, accepting being just a columnist for the Chronicle!!
Ah… how low has the mighty (in his mind!!) fallen!!

…the military build-up
The economy might be sputtering because of the novice the PNC placed to head Finance. Agriculture might be ruined because of the nonentity the AFC (?) is represented by at the helm. Oil might be gifted away because of the “Man from Nassau’s” perfidy. But if one thing’s growing quite nicely, thank you, it’s the Disciplined Forces!!
Recruitment for the GDF is up…recruitment for the GPF is up…the Cadet Corps (which gave us Brigadier Granger!) is up and running, and we’re even getting photographs of newly-recruited Prison Service Officers in the papers!! And now we’ve just been told that 1608 persons have already been inducted into People’s Militia!! Imagine that!! And 2020’s still two years away!! What’s the connection, you ask, dear reader? Well cast your mind back to the good ole days of PNC-run elections, if you can. Or read up on it, if you can’t.
The Disciplined Forces are an integral aspect of elections under the PNC.
Think why the largest number of People’s Militia are in Region Six!!

…Spewed gas
As your Eyewitness has said again and again, and again….this fella Patterson is full of that stuff; and of course gas, which is its precursor!
He’s spinning tales about gas-fired generators, but hasn’t tied down Exxon to providing any gas as yet!!