Home Letters Representatives exist to give effect to the will of the people
Dear Editor,
Our Constitution makes it unambiguously clear that supreme power, or sovereignty, or authority to make decisions which affect their lives, belongs to the people, and the elected representatives exist to give effect to the will of the people.
As an RDC councillor, when I took the oath, I swore to discharge my duties without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. I intended to do just that. In addition, at every RDC meeting, the prayer is read by the Clerk of Council, who exhorts everyone to invoke ‘divine guidance’ in all our deliberations, so that we could be able to serve our region. I have never taken this prayer lightly as well.
I have written many missives on corruption with the intention of opening the ‘eyes’ of the relevant authorities, so that our citizens can have value for money. When in opposition, this Government made ‘corruption and transparency’ their mantra on the political platform. Now that they are in Government, the corruption chant suddenly died, and those who highlight corrupt practices are being attacked and threatened to keep their mouths shut.
I wish to make it clear that I was expelled from the AFC because I dared to expose corruption and cronyism within the AFC. Today the same evil practices are in existence, but have been multiplied exponentially.
In one of my letters, I wrote about corruption in Region 6, and I made reference to the ‘junk’ bulldozer issue.
The REO wrote a strong letter to the Chairman, which was circulated to all the RDC councilors, demanding that I recant what I had written. She claimed that I implied that no bond was in existence when what I stated was that I queried the existence of the bond. In that letter, she claimed that a bond is in existence. However, at the last RDC statutory meeting, it was discovered that no such bond was in existence. In fact, bond dated 13th March, 2018 was for an entirely new contract for the supply of a D3 angle blade bulldozer.
In another part of the said letter, I wrote what the fishermen at #43 Village told me with regards to the work which was done on the #43 Canal and the excavation work which was supposed to commence on the clearing and excavation of the channel.
What I did was to relate their grievance, so that it can be heard. I bore no malice towards anyone, especially the contractor, whom I did not name when I reported the fishermen’s conversation with me. I bear absolutely no ill-will or malice, and I do unreservedly apologize if he feels that way!
It is my understanding that, as a councillor, I need to communicate and collaborate widely, and I need to engage citizens in my region, listen, and highlight their grievances and advocate for them. In the case of the #43 fishermen’s plight, the situation had reached crisis point with no resolution in sight. They were losing money and they were frustrated. I had to make known their grievances, so that their lives can be returned to normal.
My intention is to represent those people, and to make a difference to the quality of their lives, which have seen more than a month’s deterioration.
At the last RDC meeting, an APNU councillor took offence to the fact that I was highlighting alleged practices of cronyism and corruption. Mr Fraser, in addressing the Council, demanded that I stop writing negative things in the press, and that I should highlight the progress. What progress he is referring to I am still in a quandary to fathom. He fully supported the REO, even though it was evidenced that no bond existed on the junk bulldozer.
Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf
RDC Councillor —
Region 6