Republic Bank injects over $2.5M into LGC activities

…Approximately 150 children to benefit

A hefty donation from Republic Bank Guyana Limited will fuel a week’s worth of activities for children as the Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) gears up to host its Junior Drive, Chip and Putt Competition.
With a $2.5M price tag attached, prospective golfers between the ages of 7 and 16 years old will have the opportunity to be introduced to the game, learn the rules, familiarize themselves with the various clubs and their uses, and compete in a chipping and putting tournament. The initiative will cater to approximately 150 children.

Republic Bank Managing Director Stephen Grell

During the official launch at the Club’s Lusignan, East Coast Demerara (ECD) headquarters on Thursday, LGC President Patanjilee Persaud disclosed that children from other counties will also be involved.
“We would like to thank Republic Bank for joining us this year. You know, it’s a sizeable sponsorship that means so much, bringing out the best, and we are bringing kids from the Region 10 in Linden; we are bringing 50 kids from Belladrum, and we’re having 50 kids also from the nearby and outlying community,” Persaud shared.
Speaking of the benefits of hosting such a camp, Persaud added, “Golf is about ethics. It has a lot to do with how your persona is dictated around persons around you. Golf brings out the best and the worst of you. it actually teaches you to be humble, and it learns you a lot in terms of relationships with other comrades around you and friends and associates.”
Meanwhile, Republic Bank’s Managing Director Stephen Grell revealed that throwing the company’s support behind the initiative was a no-brainer.
“As an avid golfer myself, to have the Republic Bank contribute to growing the game of golf carries extra meaning. This initiative is a true collaboration of the private sector and the community and sport, with Republic Bank fuelling a program engineered by the Lusignan Golf Club executives to encourage Guyana’s youths’ interest in the sport of golf,” Grell related.

Republic Bank Managing Director Stephen Grell and LGC President Patanjilee Persaud signing the necessary documents in the presence of LGC’s Jonelle Dummett, Chet Bowling and Peyton George

As such, the RBL Managing Director highlighted the company’s commitment to such activities. Grell shared, “While we are a bank, we are very keen on investing in our communities and providing avenues for our nation’s youth to be involved in meaningful activities that create an appreciation for sport, as well as the spinoff benefits of discipline and social aptitude.
“Republic Bank Junior Golf is now part of the bank’s Social Investment Program, ‘The Power to Make a Difference’, our commitment to youth empowerment through sport. We believe in the importance of providing the nation’s youth with the opportunity to participate in a sport that promotes integrity, tenacity and determination,” he further stated.
For the chipping and putting competition, children will be grouped by age, namely; 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-14 years old, and 15-16 years old.