Research on mammals’ use of Iwokrama forest roads yields promising results
UG’s PhD Researcher Arianne Harris in the Iwokrama Forest
As Guyana joins the rest of the world in observing International Science Day 2023 under the theme “Building Trust in Science”, the Iwokrama Science Programme has announced exciting new results from research that was done in monitoring the Iwokrama Forest.
This recently published study done within the Iwokrama sustainable forestry operation area has shown positive results regarding how mammals use logging roads. Entitled “Use of logging roads by terrestrial mammals in a responsibly managed neotropical rainforest in Guyana”, the study was led by Guyanese PhD student Arianne Harris, who is part of the University of Guyana’s (UG’s) School of Graduate Studies and Research.
This study aimed to assess how logging road use in an internationally certified, low-harvest RIL forest influences terrestrial mammal occupancy. The reason for looking at this aspect is that poor road development and management can lead to increased vulnerability of terrestrial mammals.
Camera trap image of a jaguar on a forest road in the Iwokrama forestry area
Key takeaways from this study include mammal occupancy in the logged forest and control sites (unlogged forests) were similar; detections of mammals in logged sites were higher along secondary and feeder roads compared to skid trails and the control sites (natural trails); and the results indicate that ‘proper road management geared towards the monitoring and guarded access of logging roads can have a positive effect on terrestrial mammal occurrence within responsibly managed rainforests.’
This research was conducted in partnership with the University of Guyana under the Iwokrama Science Programme with data supplied from Operation Wallacea expeditions through Dr. Matt Hallet, with funding support from the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens. Noteworthy is that three rangers associated with Iwokrama are recognized as co-authors of this publication.
Harris’s PhD was funded by the ExxonMobil Foundation. She has submitted her thesis to UG for review and assessment, and she is currently an Instructor in the Biology Department at the University of Guyana.
Iwokrama has been conducting sustainable forestry operations using Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) techniques (RIL) since 2007. These activities are executed within its Sustainable Use Area, and are internationally certified for the use of best practice methods.