Home Letters Resuscitate Berbice Regional Health Authority
Dear Editor,
The Regional Health Authorities corporate was established by an Act of Parliament in 2005. Of note, the Berbice Regional Health Authority (BRHA) was the only unit under the Act to have been formalised to administer the Regional Health Services of RDC Region 6 and by extension RDC Region 5 (should it have become a separate budget agency.)
From its inception, the BRHA operated with a Board which runs parallel with the RDC Heath Committee. Further, the administrative head of the BRHA was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who was also the Regional Health Officer (RHO).
Inasmuch as the BRHA was setup as a pilot project within the established Regional Health Services Programme, it evolved and was able to achieve its mandate in managing the healthcare sector of Region 6, with greater emphasis placed on its activities between the years 2012 and 2015 in order for it realise its full potential.
However, and unfortunately, in May 2015 with the change of Government, the CEO/RHO was fired and the BRHA was dismantled. At that time, being the agency head, I assumed full responsibility for the Regional Health Services until my dismissal in September 2015.
Upon my departure as agency head, I left a workable BRHA monitoring and control scheme in place to ensure that the residents of the region receive the required level of primary healthcare as per below:
Role and Objectives:
1. To conduct regular inspection exercises on health facilities and interact with relevant personnel in-charge of these facilities on the actual medical care offered to patients.
2. To ensure health facilities are highly care-based so that patients are satisfied with medical treatment.
3. To advise, offer support and make recommendations to improve the overall health services delivery.
4. To monitor the budgetary allocations of Line Items for Current Expenditure under Drugs and Medical Supplies, Maintenance of Buildings and Capital Expenditure in all areas to ensure appropriations are fulfilling the mandate of the health sector.
Range of tasks to be performed by the Regional Health Committee:
* Check health buildings for occupational health and safety standards.
* Check health buildings for defects in areas of structural, electrical and plumbing.
* Check health buildings for repairs and maintenance, extension or need for construction of new facilities.
* Check on non-functioning medical departments, medical equipment and appliances.
* Check on and compare the level of medical services required at health facilities with actual medical services delivered to patients.
* Check on the required personnel to work at health facilities with actual placement of personnel – this should be done in conjunction with inventory of positions and appointments.
* Access and analyse patients’ satisfaction with medical services.
* Access and analyse patients complain with healthcare.
Check on the Inventory of Drugs at health facilities:
1. In stock
2. Not in stock
3. System of rotation on first-in first-out (FIFO) basis in administering medication to patients
4. Expiry dates
5. Expired drugs
6. Ensure all donated drugs and other medical items are administered accordingly and within the timeframe.
As it stands, these profound and fundamental checks and balances are still relevant and suffice to say that if they are applied by Regional Health Services, the required level of healthcare delivery will surely be met.
In concluding, I would recommend that the BRHA be resuscitated to manage the health services of Region 6. However, the responsibility and accountability must be assigned to the right personnel…so we get the desired results.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Ramrattan