RHTY&SC Cricket Teams and Scotiabank launch History Booklet
The township of Rose Hall created history on Tuesday 20th September when it became the first township in Guyana to document its past for future generation. The RHTY&SC, M.S and its eight cricket teams with sponsorship from the Bank of Nova Scotia launched a 40 pages booklet, that would be distributed free of cost to residents in the township and others around Guyana.
Secretary/CEO of the RHTY&SC, Hilbert Foster who edited the booklet disclosed that despite being the smallest township in Guyana, it has achieved a lot since attaining the status of township in 1970 and has a rich tradition of hard work, unity and an ability to get things done despite great hurdles.
Mayor Vijai Ramoo and Scotiabank’s Jennifer Cipriani launch the booklet
The township, which has a population of about 20,000 residents, is considered the economic hub of the ancient county of Berbice and Foster noted that its residents have every reason to be proud of the progress; the small town has made over the years. Rose Hall is also the home of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club, the St. Francis Community Developers and the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce.
The booklet which was produced by the Educational and Research Committee of the RHTY&SC includes Messages from the Club’s Patron, President David Granger, the RHTY&SC, M.S, Mayor Vijai Ramoo and Town Clerk Natasha Munroe. Articles includes Profile on Rose Hall Village, History of Rose Hall Town, Mayor and Town Clerks 1970 – 2016 Rose Hall Town Monument, Outstanding Residents, the Younger Generation, Places of Worship, Profile of Vic Persaud, History of Sharon Chapel Congregational Church, the Business Sector, Area ‘H’ Ground, Lower Corentyne Secondary and J.C. Chandisingh Secondary Schools, Best ever CSEC Student, Historic Achievements, Facts about Rose Hall Town and the Constabulary.
Among the outstanding residents recognise in the booklet are Vic Persaud, J.C. Chandisingh, Alex Foster, Ranji Chandisingh, Nigel Hughes, Mark Lyte, John Fingal, Mohammed Raffik among others. Foster urged the younger generation of residents to learn about their history and to be inspired by the sacrifices and hard work of their fore-parents.
The energetic Secretary/CEO also spoke broadly on the importance of sports and education in the lives of youths and the need for youths to develop a love for reading and research. He noted that the future of Rose Hall Town depends heavily on its youths and he pleaded to the attentive school children to be role models to their peers.
Town Clerk Natasha Munroe and Mayor Vijai Ramoo spoke of how proud they were about the documenting of the township’s history and the huge success of the Town Week celebration organised by the cricket teams of the RHTY&SC, M.S. Munroe pleaded with residents to learn about their history so that they can plan for the future while Mayor Ramoo stated that the township over the next few years would enjoy massive developments that would impact the lives of every resident.
Marketing Executive of Scotiabank, M.S Jennifer Cipriani hailed the publication of the booklet as historic and an investment into the future of the town. She expressed the hope that the booklet would be used for research by students and serve as an inspiration to the younger generation. She stated the Bank of Nova Scotia was proud to be partner with the RHTY&SC, M.S, an organisation she described ad Guyana’s most dynamic youth and sports organisation.
The Bank, she stated was proud of its investment into the Club and announced that the relationship would continue into the future. The booklet was launched with Mayor Ramoo handing over a copy to Cipriani.
The booklet was edited by Hilbert Foster with assistance from Anil Ramnarine, Simon Naidu, Marissa Foster, Sonia Leow and David Prahalad. Persons interested in obtaining a copy of the booklet can call 337-4562 or email foster_hilbert@yahoo.com.