RHTY&SC/Republic Bank Grade Six Summer Camp 2023: Paulene Flatts emerges as bet students as camp successfully concludes

The 2023 Grade Six Summer Camp organized by the cricket teams of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTY&SC) with sponsorship from Republic Bank concluded on Friday with dozens of students graduating.
Paulene Flatts, one of the top Region Six students at the recent National Grade Six Exams, emerged as the Best Student of the three-week summer camp.
RHTY&SC Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster expressed satisfaction at the overall success of the camp, which attracted over seventy youths. The camp was conducted by top CSEC students Rhea and Vis Kistama under the supervision of the management and members of the RHTY&SC.
Foster disclosed that the students were taught Mathematics, English, Social Studies and Integrated Science. While they were involved in several lectures on topics of importance to their personal development. Among the topics covered were peer pressure; importance of discipline; choosing friends; drug abuse; importance of religion; and how to use sports with educational background. The camp also involved the students taking part in several cricketing sessions as bonding.

The Graduating class of the 2023 RHTY&SC/Republic Bank Summer Camp

Foster expressed delight that members of the 2023 camp emerged as the winners of an anti-human trafficking campaign organized by the Ministry of Human Services. The students were inspired to join the promotion by their tutors, and were pleasantly surprised to emerge as champions. The students were also involved in a spelling bee competition for attractive prizes.
Foster, in a comprehensive speech at the closing ceremony, told the students that the next five years in secondary school would lay the foundation for a successful future. He advised them to always say no to drugs, crime, pre-adult sex, and to avoid getting involved in gangs.
He spoke of the importance of personal discipline, a focused mind, and total dedication to succeed against all odds.
Republic Bank representative Christopher Phagoo hailed the success of the summer camp and congratulated the RHTY&SC on its effort to make a positive difference in the lives of youths in the county of Berbice.
Raghoo expressed confidence that the bank would continue to sponsor the summer camp in the future.
Head tutor Vish Kistama, in a brief report, stated that he was very impressed by the positive attitude of the students and by their commitment to succeed. Each of the students at the camp received a school bag with educational materials, coloured T-shirts, and a food hamper.
Student of the 2023 summer camp, Paulette Flatts, carried home close to $170,000 worth of special prizes, including an electric bike, designer watch, kitchen utensils, household items, and several hampers with items.
The awardees of the summer camp were: Most Disciplined – Aiden Patoir; Most Cooperative – Gabriel Looch; Most Committed – Yash Ramdeo; Most Improved – Catalaya Ramalho; Most Outstanding Leader – Leanne Bhigroop; Most Diligent – Monika Ramdass; Best Social Studies – Imani Hawker; Best English – Catalaya Ramalho; Best Mathematics – Paulene Flatts; Best Integrated Science – Aatika Khadaar; and Students of the Year — Paulette Flatts.
Students at the end of the camp each collected a certificate of participation along with a completed report of their performance. The cricket teams of the RHTY&SC that organized the camp were Poonai Pharmacy Under-11, Farfan and Mendes Under-15, Bakewell Under-17 and Second Division; Pepsi Under-19 and Intermediate; Metro Females; and NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour Under-23 and First Division.
The teams expressed thanks to the management and staff of Republic Bank for their sponsorship, especially Branch Manager Satie Cox. Student of the Camp, Paulene Flatts, who coped 94% during the final test, expressed thanks to the cricket teams and Republic Bank for their support to make sure that they make a successful transition from primary to secondary school.