Ain’t it nice to have money?? Never were truer words said than, “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. And, believe me, rich is better!” And in case you think your Eyewitness is a Phillistine who ain’t acquainted with the words of the good book, he did also hear about it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god!! But he’ll answer that caution with the retort of St Augustine as he struggled against “the temptations of the flesh” before he was beatified – “Give me chastity, lord – but just not yet!!” And we know he did make it heaven, didn’t he??!!
So as your Eyewitness sees all these high and mighty folks – who never used to give us the time of the day – now lining up to kiss Pressie’s ring, he allows that he’s been smirking sometimes!! Remember Kamla snarkily informing Jagdeo and other leaders at one of the Caricom HOGs meet Mudlanders gotta begin thinking seriously how we’ll be dealing with all those now knocking at our door – from far and wide.
And that’s the first thing, innit? They gotta be KNOCKING and then we should decide on what basis we’ll let them in!! And your Eyewitness isn’t too sympathetic to the retort that when Burnham’s dictatorship drove us beyond desperation, we fled to practically every country on planet earth!! But let’s remember they ALL had rules of entry – and we entered those countries either ILLEGALLY or legally then overstayed…and overstayed!! No one welcomed us and we were treated like scum of the earth by most of them!!
Remember Barbados’ “Guyanese Bench”?? Didn’t matter whether you were rich or poor, illiterate or lettered – if you were Guyanese you were herded to the bench!! Even prodded – no pretense about being civilized “Little England”!! In every other country we had to do “grunge wuk” to survive – and keep our mouths shut at our harassment that included rape. So what are our rules of entry to our Mudland?? Well, they’re already public – even with Caricom!! Our biggest concern should be those Venezuelans who WALK into Reg 1 – or land in Reg II and III.
We can’t shut our eyes to the possibility that Mad Maduro might be playing a long game to change the population mix of Essequibo!! Thank goodness the PPP’s neutralized our Indigenous Peoples’ grievances that erupted into a 1969 Venezuelan rebellion in the Rupununi.
So we gotta beef up our troops at our Essequibo border and for other countries, enforce our immigration rules with our own ICE!!
…tensions among “friends”
As your Eyewitness witnesses Trump’s disdainful dismissal of Europe’s discomfiture at his unilateral moves to end the Ukraine-Russia War, he’s getting quite heady now the shoe’s on the other foot!! How sweet it is!! For hundreds of years, we natives in the “colonies”, then the “third world” and now “shithole countries” had to endure America’s and Europe’s unilateral actions. Want some slaves? Take some from Africa!! Want some indentured “coolies”?? Take some from India and China!! Want some bauxite, or iron ore or whatever’s under your soil?? Sure…come on down!!
Well, Trump’s now using the same language to his erstwhile comrades-in-arms across the Atlantic!! Russia’s a threat to Europe’s security?? Well Duh!! Get together and form an alliance and fund it to take on Russia. “But hold it!!” says Trump, “Isn’t there already an alliance called NATO that Europe’s been extending to encircle Russia – but depending on the US to fund it??” But what about our “special relationship” cried Britain’s Starmer as he flies out with France’s Macron to plead with Trump.
Like the colonies after independence, Europe’s now on its own!! Grin and bear it!!
Trump’s pushing his transactional agenda –articulated by us locals as “Do fuh do nah obeah!!” – isn’t confined to Europe. He’s broadsided his neighbours Canada and Mexico telling them: ‘Cockroaches have no place in fowl business’.”