Robbery attempt on money changer foiled, suspect shot in lower abdomen

…caught at GHPC seeking medical attention

The area where the robbery attempt occurred on Friday

A robbery attempt on a money changer on Friday in Georgetown has been thwarted, and one of the two perpetrators has been shot in the lower abdomen.
The incident occurred at about 12:26h at the junction of America Street and Avenue of the Republic in Georgetown, where Terrence Dean – a clothes vendor and money changer – was plying his trade.
Dean told this publication that he was doing a transaction when two masked men approached him on a red and black XR motorcycle. According to Dean, he took refuge in a nearby store, but the perpetrators pursued him into the business place.
Police have said the perpetrators were clad in blue jumpsuits, and one of them was armed with a gun.
According to Police, Dean said that when the men stopped in front of him, one shouted, “Shoot him and kill him!” and that caused him to run into J’s Outlet store and raise an alarm.
Dean said the pillion rider then dismounted the motorcycle and ran behind him into the store, pointing a gun at him. To stop the bandit, a 33-year-old security guard who was on duty at the store then drew a Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol which had 17 live rounds of 9MM ammunition, but the suspect confiscated the guard’s weapon.
Police say the store manager observed what had occurred, and armed himself with a licensed Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol. He discharged several rounds in the direction of the suspect, one of which hit him in his lower abdomen, and the suspect dropped the firearm he was carrying on the store floor and fled the business with the firearm he had taken from the security guard.
He then joined his accomplice, who was waiting on the motorcycle on Avenue of the Republic, and they rode off in a northerly direction on the western half of Avenue of the Republic, then turned south on the eastern half, then turned north on the eastern half of Avenue of the Republic, then turned east into Charlotte Street, and made good their escape.
According to police, the scene was processed, and four live rounds of 9mm ammunition and four 9mm spent shells, along with a silver and black .32 Taurus pistol with two .32 rounds of ammunition that the suspect had dropped, were found.
Acting on information received, Police visited the Emergency Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital at about 13:20h and met a 23-year-old unemployed resident of ‘C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown lying on a bed in the critical bay area with a wound to his left lower abdomen. Police said he was questioned as to how he received his injury, but he remained silent.
He has been placed under police guard at the GPHC as investigations continue.
Footage from CCTV cameras in the area are being reviewed by the police.