Robbery convict caught red-handed after breaking into house
Days after being released from prison for simple larceny, a Corriverton man is back in Police custody after he was caught red-handed with a quantity of household items he reportedly stole after he broke into a house.
The 53-year-old man, who is wanted for a number of breakages in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) was arrested on Sunday with the stolen items in his possession.
Robbery convict: Sureshchand Lachman
The police stated that the alleged burglary was committed on the dwelling house of 39-year-old Hasena Mohamed of Lot 517 Block 19 Line Path, Corentyne.
On Sunday morning, Mohamed discovered that her house was broken into and a number of items missing. Among them were a quantity of groceries, four pairs of pants, cosmetics and a briefcase along with $20,000 in cash.
Based on information received, Police went to the Lot 108 No 79 Corriverton home of Sureshchand Lachman called “Rice” where he was allegedly found with the stolen items. He has since been charged and is expected to be placed before the court during the week.
The convict is wanted for questioning in relation to several breakages and was previously convicted for three counts of breaking and entering and larceny committed in 2019.
He was sentenced to nine months in prison.
It was reported that he had broken into the Number 37 Village, Corentyne home of Puneshnie Hitnarine and stole a number of items including cash.
He also went to the East Bank of Berbice where he also broke into the home of Kissoondat Sookhoo at Lot 6 Friends Village and carried out a similar act. Latchman was also charged for committing a similar crime on Navashkar Sahadeao of Lot 30 Susannah Village, East Coast Berbice.