Rockstone Fish Extravaganza: Team FishPro and ARD cop prize for biggest catch

– Team Mohamed’s win prize for biggest fish caught

The members of Team Mohamed’s

The inaugural Rockstone Fish Extravaganza which was hosted last Sunday ended in controversy, but at the end of it all, Team FishPro and ARD walked away with the prize for the most fish caught on the day, while Team Mohamed’s, who participated in the expedition, copped the prize for the biggest fish caught during the competition – a tiger fish.
This is not the first time that Team FishPro and ARD have emerged victorious from a competition of this sort; in the past, the group was always dominant in this field. However, for the first time in an event such as this, Team Mohamed’s was the biggest competitor.

Team Mohamed’s on Sunday

Although not awarded the prize for the most catch, Team Mohamed’s, comprising Mike Gonsalves, Philip Odwin, Lochan Persaud and Michael Thomas, were extremely happy to participate in the fun-filled activity. They disclosed that they regarded the occasion as just going out there and having clean fun.
“We love fishing, and it is our first time (participating in this sort of competition), and we just have to learn, and get it right the next year…,” team leader Gonsalves has said.
He and the team are heartily congratulating Team FishPro and ARD for their win.
This event was well attended, and several family-oriented activities were held throughout the day. For videos on the fishing, readers are invited to check Youtube for: Phillip Odwin Fishing Guyana Outdoor Adventures.