…of crime in Guyana
There was a revealing exchange of views when President Granger accepted the report of the Security Sector Reform Action Project (SSRAP) from the British security expert Russell Combe, who was brought in a year ago to resuscitate the project the PPP had abandoned a decade ago. The PPP had claimed that the Brits had wanted to run the show as in the days of (colonial) yore.
The PPP’s initiative was called “Security Sector Reform Project (SSRP), and the addition of the word “action” in this new iteration presumably signals the different orientations of the two administrations.
Granger accused the PPP of “bluffing”, and not actually being interested in real “security reform”. His administration means business!!
Observers are anxiously awaiting details of this “action plan”, which the President insisted would focus on the “root causes” of crime in Guyana, rather than “symptoms”. But there appears to be a disjunct between the President, who’s supposed to be a security expert in his own right, and the British Security Expert who operated out of his office for the year he’s been here.
The President believes crime in Guyana is driven by “narcotics smuggling,” and that the PPP just wanted to deal with the spate of murders back in 2007 – and not with the “root causes”. This approach, according to the President, corrupted the Guyana Police Force, since many Police officers participated in the murders rather than going after narcotics dealers. One would presume that, from the President’s perspective, the plan would seek to eliminate narcotics trafficking.
The British expert, however, seemed to have another take on the “root cause” of crime. He said, “Security Sector Reform includes the criminal justice system…what you’re saying (the root causes of crime) is driven really by economics, and whilst that is important to tackle, that is not an area where I would be in a position to offer advice to the President.” He obviously feels “poverty” is the “root cause” of crime, and in fact suggested that, with oil coming down the pike, the Government would be in a better position to solve crime. This, of course, is a textbook approach that goes back to “blaming society” for crimes.
But the President also seems to be a bit simplistic in his approach – rather strange for an ‘expert” who commented rather extensively on the crime situation back in 2007 and the PPP’s efforts to contain it. Back then, the PNC, which he now is the leader, had insisted on a strategy of “slow fyaah; mo’ fyaah” which led to protests, riots, and eventually “African Freedom Fighters” taking on the Police and the state from a base in Buxton.
Was “narcotics” then REALLY the cause of crime? Or is the President barking up the wrong tree?
…of SOCU’s sloth
A week or so ago, another British crime expert – this time against “organised crime”, being tackled by SOCU — complained that after all the hard work he’d done a year ago, the cases were lagging in the DPP and the Legal Advsor’s office. “No so!” replied the two officers of the law, who just happens to be females.
So we have a biiiig problem here! After all, these aren’t your garden variety, everyday crimes. No siree Bob!! These include accusations of pillaging of state assets by the previous administration’s officials, which to a large extent was the reason the APNU/AFC coalition slipped into Government by a nose. One of the biggest cases is the so-called “Pradoville II” caper, in which SOCU claimed no other than former President Jagdeo snapped up land for his house at below market value.
Government’s legal advisor, Justice Claudette Singh, pointed out that the land was being valuated, and wondered whether the case should be prosecuted without proof.
Doesn’t she understand the point of the prosecution? It’s all political mudslinging!!
…of whistleblowing
The Government is smirking about the “Whistle-blowers’ Bill” it just passed. It wants to encourage insiders to reveal inside hanky-panky.
Like Finance Minister Jordan viciously excoriating the official who released details about the Exxon bonus!!