Rose Hall Police Outpost to be converted into 24-hour daycare
The former Rose Hall Police Outpost is being converted into a daycare centre. This is according to the President of St Francis Community Developers, Alex Foster, who heads the Spotlight Initiative in Guyana.
Spotlight Initiative seeks to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, with a particular focus on domestic and family violence along with sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices such as trafficking in human beings and sexual and economic labour exploitation.
The initiative is being funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations (UN).
“By next week the Rose Hall Police Outpost with the intervention from the Spotlight Initiative will be converted into the first Police daycare centre – day and night, for Police officers’ children to attend,” Foster said on Tuesday as he met with officials from both the EU and UN to highlight some of the successes of the programme, which is in its last phase.
He pointed out that sixteen persons have already been trained and nine of them will be full-time employees along with one Police officer, who has also received training in early childcare delivery.
“Ten of them in number will be at the centre to provide 24-hour service.”
He noted that this should reduce the absence of Police officers as Police officers who have young children will be able to go to work leaving their children in a safe environment and one which stimulates early childhood development.
Foster also took the opportunity to thank the Municipality of Rose Hall for making the land available for the new Rose Hall Police Station. It is through that, he pointed out, that the 24-hour daycare will become possible.
Notwithstanding those facts, Foster said he also learnt of new developments for the new Rose Hall Police Station.
“I have been informed by the Guyana Police Force that the coordinating office for the Guyana Police Force is at Whim and it will be relocated from Whim and the controlling point will be in the Municipality of Rose Hall,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Spotlight initiative is being implemented under six pillars. There are:
(1) addressing legislative and policy framework in line with international human rights standards on all forms of violence against women and girls;
(2) seeking to build national and sub-national systems and institutions to plan, fund, and deliver evidence-based programmes that prevent and respond to violence against women and girls;
(3) focusing on gender inequitable social norms, attitudes, and behavioural change at the community and individual levels;
(4) focusing on responsive services for women and girls to use available, accessible, acceptable, and quality essential services, including for long-term recovery from violence;
(5) seeking to deliver quality, disaggregated, and globally comparable data on different forms of violence against women and girls in line with international standards to inform laws, policies, and programmes;
(6) giving prominence to women’s rights groups, autonomous social movements, and CSOs, including those representing youth and groups facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and or marginalisation.