Rose Hall Town celebrates 53 years as township

Rose Hall Town, formerly known as Lot Number 9 which was once owned by Dutch planters and later purchased by 57 former slaves in 1842, is now celebrating 53 years as a township.
In 1908, Rose Hall acquired village status, then on September 20, 1970, it was declared a township. The town has a population of just over 800. Williamsburg also forms part of the township.
On Wednesday, the municipality hosted a simple ceremony in observance of this milestone.

United Nations Resident Coordinator Yesim Oruç

The municipality’s vision is to create a modern town that is comparable to the others where all citizens live in peace, security, and health, and are highly motivated.
The municipality also has a vision to ensure justice prevails at all levels. The town’s mission is to foster collaboration and goodwill for all citizens.
Several past employees of the municipality along with businesses, senior citizens, and outstanding personalities were honoured during the anniversary celebrations.
Dave Budhu is the 13th Mayor to have served the township. He stated that the Town Council would continue to work for the betterment of Rose Hall citizens.

Rose Hall Town Mayor Dave Budhu

“Today, Rose Hall is growing at a fast pace that was never seen before in its 53 years of existence,” the Mayor pointed out as he detailed some of the developmental projects, which include the paving of all streets.
“No longer a walk in the mud street or refusing to leave your home to do basic everyday business for your family.”
He added that street lights have been also installed, making most parts of the township safe to traverse at night.

The Independence Arc at Rose Hall Town

Meanwhile, New Amsterdam Mayor Wainwright McIntosh in congratulating the sister town on its anniversary noted that the unbroken service provided by the municipality of Rose Hall Town speaks of commitment to its citizens.
United Nations Resident Coordinator to Guyana, Yesim Oruç, who also attended the anniversary celebration, spoke of the UN’s commitment to promoting sustainable development.

She pointed out that President Dr Irfaan Ali was currently at the UN General Assembly, where he continues to push for the Region to attain the Sustainable Development Goals.
These Sustainable Development Goals are 17 in number and are aimed at ensuring that all can achieve prosperity and freedom from poverty and live in social cohesion while living in such a way that the planet is protected.
“One of the problems that we still have remaining as we envision a world which is much better and more developed, is we still [on] have challenges gender-based violence in Region Six, which includes Rose Hall. This is also one of the Sustainable Development Goals,” the UN Representative related.