Ruimveldt Industrial Estate roads in deplorable condition
Over the last several years, businesses in the Ruimveldt Industrial Estate area have continued operations in the midst of deplorable roads. This situation continues although the numerous private sector entities have provided hundreds of jobs for a large contingent of workers. Workers are forced to brave the gaping potholes as they traverse the area on their way to work.
A tough task: This motorcar navigates its way through a section of the road at Ruimveldt Industrial EstateA section of the road on the Western half of the Industrial Estate which was rehabilitated some time ago
The majority of the deteriorating road conditions are found on the eastern half of the Ruimveldt Industrial Estate area, while several roads on the western half were rehabilitated.
While it is not clear why just one section of the road was fixed, outgoing Deputy Mayor, Sherod Duncan, told Guyana Times on Saturday that he will look into the matter.
The soon to be replaced official made these comments on the side-lines of the Movement Against Parking Meters, Town Hall meeting. It should be noted that Duncan was the elected representative of Georgetown’s Constituency 14 after the 2016 Local Government Elections. This constituency runs from the back of South Ruimveldt and extends onto the Demerara River, encompassing Industrial Site. In a published letter to the press late last year, the Deputy Mayor recognised that the area included a “huge piece of real estate” but cautioned that there were “budget deficits” to provide services to the area.
The categories of services in the Industrial Estate range from distribution, bond storage, hardware materials for purchase, and motor vehicle body work and repairs.
Some the businesses in the area include Distribution Service Limited (DSL), Thriving Auto-body and Repair Shop, E-Networks Inc, bonds belonging to Kissoons and Banks DIH, Sunfoods and Twins Manufacturing.