Rupununi Livestock Association gets $1M for agriculture support

– Parishara village to soon access potable water

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai on Saturday presented the Rupununi Livestock Association with $1 million to support the ongoing development of agriculture.

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai

The Minister was at the time witnessing the opening of Rodeo 2023, dubbed “Dust till Dawn”.
Recognising the crucial role that agriculture plays in the country’s economy, the Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali-led Administration has put forward plans to expand agriculture countrywide.
To promote sustainable and inclusive growth in the sector, the Administration has increased the availability of agriculture inputs and services in the hinterland.
Works are underway to improve infrastructure including roads and bridges to facilitate access to markets, while technical support is being provided to farmers to increase their productivity and efficiency.
Further, the Government’s plan will provide viable economic opportunities in the hinterland regions, thus improving the living standards of residents.
Meanwhile, Minister Sukhai said the rodeo adds to the unique tourism brand found only in the Rupununi.
“It is Region Nine that is the fastest growing region in our country. The Rupununi is the pioneer in eco-tourism and sport tourism,” she noted.
The Minister urged persons there to continue advancing the sector, underscoring its sustainability. She also assured them of Government’s support in building resilient sectors. “Tourism is going to be a key and leading sector in the country long after oil and gas. It will rival agriculture.

Minister Sukhai and a staff inspect the location for a well

“More innovation and initiative are being taken to make this activity more exciting for the visitors,” the Minister added.
Hundreds of persons were thrilled in the wee hours Sunday, by horseback riders, who were nothing short of entertainers.
Members of the audience were at the edge of their seats, when the cowboys and cowgirls performed some fearsome bull-riding.
Meanwhile, residents of Parishara will soon have access to potable water when a new well is drilled in the village.
The decision to construct an additional well followed a request from the village’s Toshao, during the National Toshaos’ Council Conference last September.
The Government recognised the importance of the well after the Village Council placed it as a top priority and as a result, Minister Sukhai, on Saturday, visited the community to get a first-hand view of the proposed site for the new underground water system.
The Minister also visited the current water supply network. About two dozen residents of Parishara are currently without ready access to water.
Minister Sukhai said the Administration is on a mission to ensure every citizen has access to potable water, to ensure the gap between the coast and the hinterland is diminished. The aim is to achieve 100 per cent access to water services in the hinterland and riverine communities by 2025.
Completing this will mean Guyana has achieved the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number six.
Additionally, the Government has set aside $1.4 billion towards upgrading and extending water distribution systems across Regions One, Two, Seven, Eight, and Nine. Access to potable water in the hinterland has increased from 46 per cent to 75 per cent.