Safety Concerns

In a recent statement released to the public, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) confirmed our worst fears. Although it was plain for most to see, there were many in various quarters who were in denial as to the crime statistics.
According to the GPF statistics, there was a 2% increase in robbery-under-arms where firearms were used; a 31% increase in robberies where no instruments were used, and a 36% increase in robbery-with-violence, at the end of February 2018, relative to the same period last year. While there was a marked decrease in other crimes, including murder and rape, the situation is still worrisome.
With the festive Easter season approaching, there is a lingering fear that the risk will increase for businesses and consumers. Research has shown that during celebratory periods, there is usually a marked spike in criminal activities. This is because there is an increase in the movement of persons, increase in commercial and social activities, and these make it easy for criminals to commit crimes. The majority of the people who are planning for the Easter Holiday have the very best outlook, and sometimes let their guards down as they prepare for the holiday. Many persons also take a much-needed break and venture abroad, leaving their homes unattended.
Then there are those who use the activity of this time of year to prey on others. These include shoplifters, the ones who break into parked cars and steal items, the ones who snatch purses. And those who burglarise homes.
It is therefore advisable that, during this period, time consumers, businesses and citizens should be extra diligent to protect themselves, their homes, their purchases, and their neighbours. By being extra watchful during shopping trips, and by keeping purchases hidden in a vehicle trunk, individuals can be better assured of a safe shopping experience. By being alert to unusual vehicles and to strangers in your neighbourhood, you can notify Police, so law enforcement can head off crimes before they happen. In as much as the citizenry depends on the Police Force for protection, there is also the need to take personal responsibility in this regard.
Members of the public have understandably become concerned and frightened for their lives and safety. We cannot hide from the fact that there are increasing reports of violent crimes and robberies.
One only has to read the daily newspapers or tune in to the television stations to get a better handle of the situation facing citizens and entire communities on a daily basis. However, amidst it all, the Guyana Police Force have been actively engaged in their anti-crime measures, and have proven that their enhanced capacity and capability in the Criminal Investigation Department is effective. The statistics support this claim. In several communities across the country, there are beefed up Police patrols and monitoring.
However, despite these measures, the public’s growing concerns about the situation are not assuaged; even the increased Police presence in many areas has failed to give comfort to the families who have suffered at the hands of criminals, or the businesses which have lost millions at the hands of the robbers. At all times, we need to ask: What can we do to protect ourselves? The best protection is to eliminate the opportunity of becoming a victim in the first place. Although we cannot predict when or if we will become victims of such crimes, protecting ourselves from a pickpocket or other thieves is not as difficult as we may think; just a few thoughtful precautions can be enough to give you peace of mind and confidence in going about your day.
The added measures by local law enforcement are welcome, and although they are reassuring, members of the community should feel free to approach the Police for any form of assistance, and to also provide vital information that would help prevent crime or lead to the arrest of criminals. We all need to watch out for the bad guys during this period, as we can be sure they are watching us. More importantly, we need to become “our brothers’ keepers” and remain vigilant of the threats that loom.